Women in their 30s do NOT find it harder to date actual MEN.


Let me be clear. VERY clear.

Women in their 30s DO NOT find it harder to date MEN.

By this I mean actual adults.

Males who have decent jobs, decent careers, are educated, etc. Men that will, in time / if it works out, will actually contribute to a household, to raising children, etc. Men that would make for husbands and fathers, and less likely to be the cowardly douchebag that runs away when things get serious.

The people who say that women have it harder to date in their 30s are **NOT** men.

They are boys trapped in adult bodies. They are typically what you'd call a douchebag.

Women in their 30s do NOT find it harder to date actual MEN.

They often have little to nothing to offer a woman looking for a steady partner, someone that be relied on, a potential father & husband. They are the typical boy-men who jump from woman to woman and run away like cowardly douchebags whenever things get serious.

These boy-men say women have it harder in their 30s as they're TARGETTING young women.

They use the claim "oh you won't be so lucky when 30s, it'll be hard for you, etc., etc., etc." as a form of abuse, bullying, and peer pressure to make YOUNG WOMEN do things they may not necessarily want to - such as having sex early, getting into relationships early, etc. - believing that they won't have success later on.

That's all it is.

So girls STOP listening to the LOSERS and start listening to yourselves.

Get educated. Get a career. DO NOT believe the BULLSHIT that trashy low-quality men who will contribute LITTLE to your lives will tell you to get what they want. They don't give a shit about you, you're just "flavour of the month".

Actual MEN do not want an uneducated housewife that lays about and does nothing. They want a partner. Always have.

Women in their 30s do NOT find it harder to date actual MEN.
21 Opinion