Why dating coaches, books and seminars don’t work

Why dating coaches, books and seminars don’t work

1 - You can’t fake your knowledge.

I said that smart people manipulate objects and slackers manipulate emotions. If you don’t take a math or chemistry class and continue to paint your hair different colours, you become chained to the temporary gifts of youth.

2 - You can’t fake your quality.

A person can say they are religious but not understand the bible, they can say they are ambitious but not have any achievements or evidence of work, they can say they are neat but misplace things and have messy hair, they can say they love your family but not be capable of crying at funerals. They can say they take care of their health, but are not able to lift a 42 unit water bottle box down to your basement.

3 - You can’t fake your friends.

Somebody can say they are not snobby but not have a single friend who is neither beautiful nor rich. They can say they are easy going but yell at people who take too long to respond to their questions. They can say they are nice but make rude comments to homeless people who ask for money and they can say they love somebody but gossip about them behind their back. The way you respond to and choose your inner circle, cannot be hidden because hiding it is a full time job that normal people cannot do.

Why dating coaches, books and seminars don’t work
13 Opinion