You Can Be A Nice Guy... With Bad Boy Traits


Unfortunately for the majority of nice guys, they're finishing last. It doesn't take a genius to notice that most girls (in highschool and college) are going for the typical bad boys, cocky, arrogant, deceptive, etc over the genuine nice guys. It sucks that I have to say this but if you really want a girl, you're going to have to absorb some of the characteristics of a bad boy, but that doesn't mean you'll become an asshole. If you come off as this completely soft guy with no backbone, regardless if you're nice, you're getting the first class trip to the friendzone ... it sucks but it's reality. You're wasinting your time being 100% nice, but you can be 80% nice and 20% bad boy with bad boy traits that don't scream "ASSHOLE".

You Can Be A Nice Guy... With Bad Boy Traits.

1: Don't Chase The Girl You like

- So you like a girl? Maybe she's hot? Maybe she's really popular? Maybe she's smart? Guess what, over 50% of the guys in your school (including some nice guys) are thirsty as hell for her, chasing her, and complimenting her everyday. What do you need to do? Do the exact opposite. Make her see you as that ONE guy that doesn't give a damn about how she looks or how popular she is, isn't going to let her step on you, and isn't going to go out of his way to please her. This makes the girl your crushing on go insane, because almost everyday every guy she see's is crazy for her so when she finally notices a guy who knows they exist but doesn't give a fuck it intrigues them, it makes them want to know more about you, this is when you can start your friendship with them.

2: Don't Overcompliment

- You can't compliment the girl you like and you've became friends with right off the bat, they get compliments everyday so your compliments to them is something they've heard at least 20 times. This is all part of your plan to let this girl know that you, the guy, are not going to take any shit from them ... you have to make sure the girl realizes that your unique out of all the other girls because that's what's going to attract her. You can maybe compliment her clothes, hair, etc once in a while but the typical "You're so gorgeous" or "You're so beautiful" over and over is only going to make her view you as the other 100 guys that like her.

3: Don't Give Her The Majority Of Your Attention

- This girl you like has to see that your only focus is your life, not hers. She has to see that you're not willing to give her all of your attention unless she earns it, she has to see that if she asks you for a favor that over 100 guys would do without blinking it, you'll say "Fuck off". This makes her feel like she has to earn your approval - Again you're not being an asshole by doing this, but your making this girl see you as a strong and independent guy that isn't going to take shit from anybody no matter how popular or good looking.

4: Conclusion

You're playing reverse phycology on these girls, the girl you like already has a bunch of guys chasing for her so she has really no reason to pay you any attention if you're acting the same way. In her mind when all this is happening it's basically going "Another day another swarm of thirsty guys waiting to give me all their atten-wait that guy, why isn't he being thirsty? Why isn't he giving me any attention? Does he not notice me?" - When she starts thinking like this, it's her being interested in YOU ... you have to keep her asking these questions to herself because that's the only way you'll keep her interested in you and not the other 100 or so guys chasing her.

You can't show your completely nice and sweet side until you're really close to eachother after being friends, because at this point she'll completely disregard all the other guys and her focus will be YOU. At this point when you have this girl completely fascinated in you, then you can start complimenting her and going for a relationship. So yeah, I hope these tips help some of you nice guys struggling to find a girlfriend.

You Can Be A Nice Guy... With Bad Boy Traits
29 Opinion