The fullproof way to get a woman's number!


The fullproof way to get a woman's number!

First of all, I will qualify myself by stating I did online and in person consulting for MEN on how to approach women, gain confidenece, and how to be more successful in their relationships.

What I am going to share is the 'full proof way' to get a womans number. Now, let me curb expectations a bit... When I say 'full proof' I do not mean 100% of the time. I mean this is the best approach to take when asking for a womans number. I want to also put an emphasis on WOMEN here. This approach doens't apply to GIRLS. Simply won't work because of insecurity, immaturity, and a myriad of other reasons.

The Approach

Okay straight and to the point... You see a woman that you find interesting, attractive, sexy, etc, etc... and you want to ask her for her number. This is exactly what you will do:


Confidently approach them and make your presense known (no sneaking up on someone at the gas pump) Say:

Excuse me

So now you have their attention. Here is where men mess everything up. NO SMALL TALK. None! I don't care if you have the same tattoo... if you are both wearing Toms.. or if you genuinely recognize her. NO SMALL TALK. Next say:

You know what?

Yes, simply ask that question. You know what? Why do you do this you may ask... becuase getting a number is all about positioning yourself for your end goal. Let's say you start talking about something meaningless.. You undoubtedly will bore her and she will interupt and say I need to go. All the while thinking why didn't her just say what he wanted??

Anyways, she will 99.9% of the time answer WHAT? Which is PERFECT that's what we wanted baby! Next say EXACTLY THIS:

We should go on a date sometime

Yep... really just that. Excuse me... You know what... We should go on a date sometime...

Some of you may be skeptic or doubting the success that a person could possibly have with this approach. IT WORKS. Stay with me though...


Now you would be surprised how often going just that far into the approach will get you the number. It has happened to me countless times. Although, it's more likely that after asking "we should go on a date sometime..." You will be hit with some sort of objection. BELIEVE ME these are easy to counter. Just take some practice.

Top 4 most common objections you will get:

Ohh yeah?


But I don't even know you...

Where would you take me?

Okay, so the key now is having all of your objections ready. I will share my most successful counter to the above objections. DELIEVERD WITH CONFIDENCE:

Ohh yeah?
Women said 'ohh yeah' a lot.. That usually means sealed deal so I simply responded YES. Looking straight in the eyes and let them know I was serious.


But I don't even know you...
Again easy.. Don't over talk or look beta and explain yourself. Don't ever let the woman make you feel out of place for approaching and being staight to the point. Simply say: That's why WE are going on a date.

Where would you take me?
This one is easy. Make sure you know your surroundings well. DO NOT talk about a restaurant clear accross town. Try and quickly remember a restaurant near by that is nice. Whereever you are meeting her means she probably lives quite close. Girls WILL cancel a date over distance. (Only go to a restaurant)

WHY THIS WORKS (they don't want no scrub)

Women want a man who is straight to the point. Remember the when Noah and Ali were first introduced in 'The Notebook'??? Noah went right for what he wanted. No small talk.. no compliments.. none of that. And women watching loved it. The love a man who doesn't toss bull their way especially when they can see what his end game is. Yes, you will catch some women off guard. Occasionally a feminazi will give you -ish about now asking her name first Lol... but overall this will help you a lot.

CLOSING (key is delivery)

In closing, remember that the key is confidence and your delivery. Have a slight smile and don't break eye contact. Your goal is to practice this over and over... Why?? So you can learn to counter ALL the posible objections. Will women say no. YES. Will this approach work better than anything I hear these douches online talking about WITHOUT A DOUBT!

An exercise to do is try getting just 1 number a day for a week. Then move up to 2 numbers, 3, etc... In no time you will notice how easy this delievery

Please try this out and let me know how this approach is working for you!

Apologize for the spelling and grammar errors.


The fullproof way to get a woman's number!
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