Do guys ever feel bad for using/playing/betraying a girl?

My last guy used me for a year. Throughout the year he said i'm the type of girl he would change for, that he would want a relationship but isn't ready to get married, he would text i love you every night before he went to bed, flirt and compliment me etc. he would act extremely committed and we were practically a couple, except we werent. When he finally made a move and kissed me, i asked him what it meant and he said "its never going to happen" "id never marry you" "you're not the one for me and I'm not the one for you". All of that is fine, he clearly didn't care whether his words could hurt me but I did ask why he acted that way and that he clearly didn't really like me. He denied it and said i will not tell you that. But i don't get why he used me, betrayed me, hurt me and hardly feels any remorse? He even wanted to be friends with me "because he cares about me" but i stopped talking to him now. I have given up on love and basically everything. The pain is so debilitating and all i do is exist, its been almost 8 months since this happened. At the time he said he could see us getting serious and really would fall for me but that he doesn't want it. By now I basically know that he just didn't like me and used me (no guy ever has or will). I just want to know how such men can exist and why life is so unfair. I'm honestly extremely beautiful, smart, funny and down to friends say im a lottery (their words) but still no guy has ever liked me so i don't believe my friends and definitely think i must be hideous. I also have no interest in changing this since im tired of the struggle. I just want to know why a guy would do this (use a girl) and if they ever learn to care about it?
Do guys ever feel bad for using/playing/betraying a girl?
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