Really need advice. We aren't talking as much anymore. Should I keep trying?

I've gone on several dates with a guy that I like from work. Both him and his friends have repeatedly said that he likes me a lot. we recently had a talk about how each of us feel that the other hadn't put in much effort in this "relationship." after that I've tried to become better at being attentive and putting in effort but I don't feel like he is doing it back. He hardly texts/calls me anymore but he still always stops by my desk and talks to me during lunch. I told him that I wanted to talk and fix things and he responded by saying he can't now because of a major work project that's taking up his time and that he promises we will talk after he comes back from a trip he is taking in a week (which will take about a month).

I get the feeling that he isn't into it anymore and/or is talking to other girls. But his friends are always talking about how he likes me and are trying to make us work because they also think he isn't putting in enough effort (according to them he hasn't dated someone he really likes in a while). Their actions make me think that he might still like me because why else would they be trying?

I'm not sure how to read his actions and I don't know if I should keep trying. I'm not ready to give up just yet because I do like him but I just don't know what to do. Advice?
Really need advice. We aren't talking as much anymore. Should I keep trying?
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