Should I be annoyed he doesn’t tweet about me?

My ex and I are getting back together and I feel like I have told my friends and family and have brought him into my life more than he has brought me into his. He tweets his girl-friends and makes it sound like he’s not talking to someone… I got upset bc he subtweeted me (it wasn’t bad but I knew it was about me). I said he never tweets anything good about me. We FaceTimed and he could obviously tell I was upset about it. He laughed it off and made sarcastic jokes. Then he said he would tweet about me and said “being blonde and fun is hot” (my Twitter handle handle is ‘blonde fun’) Like that could be about anyone! I’m not going to ask him to tweet about me but I want him to because he wants to. So do I have a right to be upset? We ended the FaceTime really bad because I didn’t want to cry. He hasn’t said anything to me. What should I do? It’s on my mind and I don't know if I was being too dramatic or if I have a reason to feel this way?
Should I be annoyed he doesn’t tweet about me?
5 Opinion