Which is morally wrong. Being attracted to a 22-year-old who looks 16, or a 16-year-old who looks 22?

Back when I was about 23-24, I dated a girl I had been friends with for a while. She was about 22 at the time, but many people told me she looked about 15-16. I personally didn't see it, and if I hadn't already known her age I certainly wouldn't have dated her if this were a question.

But since then, it had me thinking...

Which would you consider to be morally perverse?
- Being attracted to a 22-year-old who looks 16.
- Being attracted to a 16-year-old who looks 22.

Assume you don't know their age yet, and you aren't actively trying to date them (NEVER date them if their age is unknown and up for question!). This is simply "that guy/girl is cute".

I'm not looking for a specific answer. I have my own views on the matter, and I'm predicting a certain pattern. But I just want to see people's legitimate thoughts. Went anon for obvious reasons, but also to avoid biasing the results. I would also write this whole thing gender-neutral if I could, but you can't hide your gender on here.
A 22-year-old who looks 16
A 16-year-old who looks 22
Both of these are wrong
There's nothing inherently wrong with either of these, assuming no action has been taken.
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
The pattern was pretty similar to what I predicted. Though the 16-year-old who looks 22 is interesting because I technically did say "you don't know their age yet".
Which is morally wrong. Being attracted to a 22-year-old who looks 16, or a 16-year-old who looks 22?
Post Opinion