Why do guys choose dependent, immature girls over me?

I had this great connection with this guy I reconnected with from high school. He and I have a lot in common and spent a few months spending time together. We had a few occasions where we got physical (but didn't have sex). He friendzoned me and I let it go because I was initiating the connection all the time.

Several months pass and he and I just reconnected yesterday. We got lunch and he told me about this girl he's dating who is immature, unmotivated and so codependent... she consults him for every decision she makes constantly. He seemed unhappy in the situation. I am the opposite, as I have a stable job I love and I'm independent and confident in myself.

After that interaction with him, I was very confused as to why he chose this girl over something with me. I tried to tell him to let this girl go, but he is willing to put up with it. This isn't the first time this has happened to me. Why do guys choose needy, codependent girls over independent, emotionally strong, and successful women?
Why do guys choose dependent, immature girls over me?
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