Why did my guy friend I used to like follow my boyfriend all a sudden on Instagram?

Yes I understand I can not control who my friends follow but, there was this guy I used to like not anymore we used to talk a lot but now it’s every once in a while I gave up on him because I always had to text him first and he never wanted to start a convo in real life. Of course I respected that he clearly wasn’t interested so I moved on with my life and found someone else. Anyways I posted my boyfriend in my story mentioning my boyfriend you know like tagging him, and the guy who I used to like who follows my on Instagram as well saw my story and I’m assuming he clicked on my boyfriends account and started following him? My boyfriend dm me saying “why is the guy you used to like following me” of course I was really confused because like I said me and this guy only talk every once and a while so it’s just weird? Why does he want to follow my boyfriend if it’s really none of his buisness and he barely knows him? Should I confront him about this? My friend told me it’s weird and told me to tell my boyfriend to block him but I have no idea.
Why did my guy friend I used to like follow my boyfriend all a sudden on Instagram?
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