Best tips you have on approaching girls as an introvert? getting into the dating life with social anxiety and other insecurities?

I am
- very shy, quiet, and reserved
- introverted
- terrible at first impressions, and can be a bit awkward at first. I tend to take a little while to warm up and feel natural in conversations
- have a bit of social anxiety
- little bit of low self esteem, and lack a lot of confidence

Its not that I am "not attractive", I think I am fairly decent looking guy.
I just tend to come off as being a bit cold, or not up for conversation at first.
On top of this I tend to struggle with assuming the worst in people; a habit I picked up from my mother
For example,
there were times in the past where a girl was clearly trying to approach me, but I assumed negative things about it. Even in the past I had some of my crushes ask me out and I was too nervous to say yes, or afraid of the spotlight being on me, or having to talk with my family about dating. etc

Basically I've had a lot of issues that have gotten in the way of dating, and id really like to work on them. I really want to find someone! and for people to know me for who I am, and not for some of my more insecure qualities.

Any tips on having a dating/romantic life with these shortcomings?
Best tips you have on approaching girls as an introvert? getting into the dating life with social anxiety and other insecurities?
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