My girl (18F) follows mostly hot guys on instagram?

Hey guys I really need your help please. So my girl (18F) really loves me a lot and she literally has done a lot of great actions for me, she always checks up on me, tells me how much she loves me and that she is lucky to have me plus she always supports me in everything. We have been talking and dating for like 6 months already and our sexual life is great.

(25M) I am working two jobs and just graduated from my college bachelors degree and always take care of her and being gentleman. I do have an instagram account too, but is just for my professional/work to show and get to know me more. I BARELY follow any girls I do not know and really have no pictures of me, just my work. However, I was checking through the people she follows and her ratio is that of more guys than girls and most of these guys are always like showing off their bodies including on their profile pic. I also hit the gym and im pretty jacked but not huge, I know what my value is and that none there guy can treat her as great as I treat her and respect her.

The issue here is that it kind of bothers me that she follows all these guys and that likes their pictures. Am I exaggerating this and seeing it as an insecurity of mine or is it really kind of not respectful from her to follow that many f*ckboys? Thanks!
My girl (18F) follows mostly hot guys on instagram?
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