Is female 31 years old and male 37 years old perfect age gap?

My close friend is making me feel like a loser. She says he will be 40 soon. She is also 35 and been dating up and down for so long. Am I arrogant to say she is maybe jealous a bit?

I never had any relationship in my 20s. I know In this day and age it’s weird. I also wondered why..! But meeting this guy who’s 37 I realized personally I never wanted to play around and be heartbroken so I would rather wait for a guy who is mentally ready to have a family… even though I lost my “20s” it doesn’t bother me.
In my mind being 31 isn’t that young either so why 37 somehow is close to 40!! There is no guarantee I can find someone exactly my age.
Is female 31 years old and male 37 years old perfect age gap?
4 Opinion