Boyfriend Refuses to Forgive Me, Should I Stay or Should I go?


I slept with someone he knew before we starting dating, the person I slept with is taller and more handsome (at least to my boyfriend). Not trying to sound like a ass kisser but I think my boyfriend is the most beautiful creature living. I didn’t catch feelings for the other guy that I slept with, he was a boy toy and I was a girl toy. Anyways, I told my now boyfriend that him and I (the other dude) had slept together once (before we even started talking), I told him that I don’t have feelings for him at all, because I really don’t. It was a mistake on my end, one that I’m never going to repeat. But I get where he’s coming from, I would feel insecure if I knew that he slept with someone we both know and see all the time. So, after I told him we slept together he gets upset and refuses to talk to me, instead he’s staring daggers at me, understandable. The other dude comes up and starts talking about work, we have a conversation in front of my boyfriend for about 5 minutes, I’m being friendly and laughing a little, my boyfriend gets pissed. So after he tells me how that conversation affected him, I stopped talking to that dude altogether, no words at all, I’ve been like that for months, not speaking to him and with other coworkers I keep conversations extremely short. His problem is that he thinks I’m too friendly and he hates when I smile at all in front of other people (it’s a nervous habit) he says that in the beginning of our relationship he was okay with me interacting with other people because he trusted me, but after I revealed I had slept with someone else, he says he doesn’t feel special anymore. I’m trying to implement everything he wants in order for him to feel secure. He says he can recall 4-5 instances related to me being “too friendly” and now he’s saying I’ve never done anything for him and that he does more in the relationship, it’s not true I would go out my way everyday to drop him off at work, he lives 17mins away I did this for 3-4 months

Boyfriend Refuses to Forgive Me, Should I Stay or Should I go?
16 Opinion