Make women wives again! Modern women what do you offer that would make a man want to marry you?


Ladies let’s be real (specifically modern women) what do you offer your man? If all you have is sex he can get that anywhere & youve no value. you’re not giving them purity anymore, you’re not giving them youth anymore, and now you’re not nurturing either? What do you offer? If all you say is companionship or loyalty he can get that from his boys at a fraction of the price 😂 and they’ll watch football with him all day and are way better at talking about it! Women are nurturing you should be happy to cook for him and take care of him when he watches his game!! Clean and cook and nurture the family! He should be happy to provide for you, protect you. Drop you off in front of the entrance when it’s raining and then go park the car. pump your gas, change your oil, get outta bed & check on the scary noise! Most decent men (and there’s lots of em) are happy to do that!!! So what do you offer him! Why is marrying you worth it what benefit do you bring him? Half these modern women don’t have a cook book. The 70s are over! Let’s get back in the kitchen and make our men happy. Plus if you don’t cook for him from scratch he’ll go order junk get fat in turn lowering his testosterone level & you’ll have worse sex and less of it 🤷‍♀️ make women wives again

Make women wives again! Modern women what do you offer that would make a man want to marry you?
49 Opinion