What's one negative or bad physical trait that, in your opinion, can ruin an otherwise attractive-looking person?


What's something physical that can instantly make an attractive-looking person ugly to you? BESIDES "having the wrong genitals." This applies to non-trans people, here.

I say a nose ring or any piercings outside of the ear lobes, can instantly make ANY woman look ugly or unattractive, to me. They're such hideous body disfigurements! Why do women want to look like a bull by putting rings in their noses? I also think to many tattoos can also make an attractive woman look hideous.

Lady Gingerlust would be so much more attractive without all that hideous sh*t in her nose!
Lady Gingerlust would be so much more attractive without all that hideous sh*t in her nose!
What's one negative or bad physical trait that, in your opinion, can ruin an otherwise attractive-looking person?
23 Opinion