Is he abusive? 26f 29m?


My boyfriend and I have been on and off for 3 years. Much of last year involved him trying to get me back and he ultimately succeeded around October 2022.

The first few months of us being back together he was lovely and I really wanted it to work.

But the last 3 weeks or so things have taken a turn.

It started with little things like saying I ask too many questions and rejecting my hugs, it then escalated into blatant rudeness saying that I'm 26 and "getting on" for a woman and that I'll be depressed if I don't have my first child by 30. For context, I'm an educated professional living in the UK , most people in my socioeconomic group dont have children until their 30s so these comments caught me off guard.

He always puts down my job saying I'm not a "real" lawyer as I'm not in commercial law , and he has a short temper meaning I'm on egg shells around him. For instance, he snaps at me for sending emojis /gifs or saying random words he doesn't like. I'm not allowed hugs or kisses on my terms only when he initiates (I get bluntly rejected if I initiate he just shouts NO at me), and if I have any banter with him he gets angry and says I'm always digging at him when in fact it's the other way round.

HE is a lot bigger than me and he shoves me around a lot, pushed me into a Bush and sat on me when i wouldn't get off the sofa quick enough.

He lacks any insight and says I'm being oversensitive or crazy if I raise any concerns.

I would like some third party input please

Is he abusive? 26f 29m?
4 Opinion