Get married
Get laid
To have company
I don’t want to date.
I’m already taken/married/in a relationship
None of the above
I’m just here to read comments
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I dated in high school just to have fun.
But, starting from college, I had the realization that every relationship either ends in breaking up or getting married.
With that in mind, I didn’t want to go through heartbreak or put someone through heartbreak unnecessarily.
So, since college, I’ve dated with a long-term mindset.
Whenever I dated, I often asked myself, “Could I see myself happily spending the rest of my life with this person?”
That was my guiding compass.
If the answer was an, “I don’t know yet.” Then I would continue to get to know them.
If the answer was, “No.” Then I would end things—as it’s better to rip the bandaid off than to waste each other’s time by staying in a relationship that you already know is doomed to fail.
If the answer was, “Yes, I believe so.” Then I would continue to date them, get to know them better, and plan for the future.
Another reason why I date for marriage because I put so much heart and soul into my relationships.
I don’t want to go all in, only for it to not be reciprocated.
If we are both each other’s priority, I will do everything in my power to make things work—relocate to another country, learn another language, change my religion, start a new business, whatever I need to do to make things work.
But if I’m not a priority, if I’m just a guy to hang out with and have fun with, then I’ll see them when I see them, but I won’t go out of my way to cater to them.
For me to give extreme commitment, I require extreme commitment in return.
If they just want to mess around and have fun, maybe we could hang out if I really just want to wind down—but I wouldn’t date them—because that would take a lot of my time and attention, and if they’re not going to be serious with me, I have other things I’d rather focus on.
I have my whole future ahead of me and an empire to build.
Absolute 10/10 answer.
Lol I I think we should all copy and paste this and hand it to our perspective, suitors and suitorettes 👍🏼
Haha, thanks! 😊
I'm in a relationship. But to answer your question
You can date to have company. You can even date to have sex.
But in the end it is all related.
You date because you like the company. You start to crave for more company.. time moves on... Then the sex will follow after the date. And before you know tou have a relationship and get married. 😃
When I was young, I dated first to have fun, then to get married. After my divorce, I initially dated to have sex, then later dated to settle down... and met my SO.
I dated for companionship, sex was a definite bonus, and I eventually found the girl who I want to marry. So now I am engaged and not dating.
I want to get married eventually. Dating just to have sex is gross.
Love and f*ck, what else.
And have fun
Seems like I misread the question, I was thinking you asked why’d I want to marry someone.
I date to get married, play around to fuck.
I would like to get married. But my whole life, it never panned out that way. The one time I let sex enter the picture without that, the gal turned out to be a manipulative psycho.
And that was after playing everything by the book for 15 years, and being treated like some sort of dangerous deviant regardless, denied any compensation for the damage done by liars and haters. Told to just shut up and eat the pain. As if being rejected made also facing defamation acceptable!
The popular old saying was: "The worst she can do is say no."
But historically, in Michigan, it never stopped at saying no. It always progressed to rude, ignorant, and pathetic attempts at psychoanalysis, baseless accusations while attempting to walk away, and behind the back slander. She couldn't just say no. She had to try to make a million enemies for me for having had the nerve to even ask!
I don't know what was in the drinking water, but I feel almost nothing when those same girls get their booster shot and then start twitching everywhere, then the coroner finds unnatural things in their blood, and their blood looks like it turned into antifreeze.
They act like witches, then die by witchcraft. Poetic.
Yet, it seems that the few times anymore I end up meeting a woman who doesn't belong in a straight jacket, she's either terminally ill or lives too far away.
You, for example, Pinay, are the Stella to my Astrophil. ;-)
I date for all of the above. I’m changing how I feel day to day. Then I’ll date for marriage then I’ll stop and want to just fuck as many hot clean girls as I can without lowering my standards too much.. then that one time when I was faded af a couple years ago I cheated on my then girlfriend and fucked my friend’s 51 year old mom… she was a milf but it was still wrong. What was weirder tho is he found out and didn’t want to fight me or stop being my friend and kinda just joked about it with me… needless to say I don’t know wtf I’m doing with my dating life… then I do… and I used to always date girls I worked with even tho it usually resulted in me either getting fired up except one time I got promoted after doing that with another Milf corporate manager then quit that job later.
basically if I’m the right girl for someone then she’ll come into my life like a fairy tale on a cruise ship or at my house in the mountains in AZ or I’ll be single and hooking up with thots forever or eventually just being completely alone forever and give up trying all together for the rest of my life…. I used to fw multiple women as friends with benefits then some of them wanted to be serious so I ended some of them and one ended it with me… fast forward like 3 years and now one of those girls I was fucken with back then came back into my life and wants to be friends with benefits and real friends for life and has no plans for marriage or dating anyone else but me but doesn’t want to marry me now that I actually would marry her now… ironic and sad. But you play the hands you get…
I’m in this relationship to marry and wanting to marry has been a huge step because I didn’t think I’d even consider marriage before I met my fiancé, but he literally changed my whole outlook and view on relationships and has helped me believe in love again. I also see marriage as something valuable and important, it’s more stronger than a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship to me. It means I choose you over and over again each and everyday, these vows are my truths and actions I will take initiative to see this person happy till I die.
I like the "have company" option, it sums up dating for me.
I'm not looking to get married in the foreseeable future.
And I love to have sex but get bored of menial casual sex with someone I barely know who moves on within a week of a month.
The middle ground to that would be to have company, someone to share parts of life with, but not necessarily get contractually tied to.
I'm already taken but when I do date it's just to get to know someone at first and have some fun and then if things go well and everyone clicks then lead to a relationship.
My ultimate goal in dating is to find the person that I love and who loves me in return and we mutually want to join our lives together forever. I don't know that that will ever finally become a reality, but that is the goal. Although, I wouldn't snub my nose up and some good fucking along the way!
I date to ultimately marry... Which is why I get attached pretty fast..
I date for the long term, but I'm also not opposed to dating for a fuck.
So I guess both.
I don't date for no reason, though. I'm someone who puts a lot into a relationship if I'm in one, so I don't jump into them randomly.
I don't date around. But if i enter a relationship it is for marriage and kids in the future😌
@Inbox same here
Dating was always fun for me, so that was the main driving force. Life is too short not to date.
I voted “to get laid” because even if you ultimate goal is to marry your first goal is to get laid. After dating for a while you might decide that this person is marrying material or not.
I generally don't date. but if i did it would be for marriage, else what's the point?
I date for companionship. Both physical and intellectual. Yes, sex is part of that but not all of it. If I don't genuinely like the girl I won't enjoy the sex. It has to be in that order for me.
I'm not huge on marriage though.
Done dating. If I ever have a relationship again it will be with a friend who becomes closer to me.
When I was dating, I was looking for a long-term partner. I wasn't looking to have additional children, so marriage wasn't a goal for me.
I mean dating to marry for me is the only way as I see it. The companionship comes with that and it would be nice to not be alone. But honestly I aren't dating atm, technically never have either I guess. But I'd like to.
marriage. only once in my dating history did i date solely to fuck
I feel like to have company and get laid feel as good a convo as any marriage loll 😁🤣🤣
*combo (, sigh, my typo)
Marry but I think it all comes somewhat in a bundle tho
i date for sex and long term relationship. I don't know if marriage is even still necessary these days.
I date for sex, my friends with benefits. BUT WE DATE OFTEN, always fuck at the end. Have been dating some of the girls for 3-4 years and they enjoy fucking as much as I do.
I used to do that never could make it work longer than like 2 years tho cuz 3 of the 5 girls wanted to be with me and some of them talked about marriage and kids and wouldn’t stop persisting until I avoided them or they avoided me. Back to fw one of them now I think I actually might marry one day but Iduno if she wants to now… ain’t that some Shit. I’m 28 now I could’ve had her locked when I was 25/26 oh well. Life’s full of surprises when we get locked into our priorities and when those change…
@Pinay_ako Thank you for the Like
Date for companionship. I don't like casual stuff but also don't want to marry the government along with her.
The goal is marriage; but at this point I will go with what ever reason she wants.
I will date to marry and in between if I happen to f*ck I’ll first make sure if I have feelings for that person or not.
just to have sex and have fun, im open to relationships when the right girl comes along though.
I date a woman for the purpose of serving her as well as possible, and if she's dating other guys, I enjoy serving them, as well.
I have decided marriage is a dud deal. So it is for sex. It could be just to enjoy femininity if she was cute and comely.
I usually date to marry, but it doesn't always work out. So it becomes what it becomes kind of thing.
I do it for company aswell as hopefully eventually marriage and for intimacy
Date, is always for fuck first, marriage is 2nd option
I am looking to get married eventually, but in the meantime, I want to have some fun.
In any relationship it involves sex
For company, love and sex.
date first to get laid. then to marry?
I am already married.
I chose I don’t want to date.
I'm married so I don't need to date
When I was single, it was some of both.
for company and the sex
Where’s the to be in love option?
I don't date I just smash maaane.
I say both and to have companionship.
To fuck
anyone could ask to @Spongebobssocks unblock me?
What nah? Tell me your choice. 🤣
Same here. 🤣
Nope. You just don't want to answer. 🤣
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