2.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes, if you don't some other trolup with perky boobies might swoop in and steal him away.
What is the worst that could happen, he say yes he is interested in you and you live happily ever after, you do nothing, and always wonder what if and end up married to some Poindexter and have 10 kids, or you get rejected but at least you know.
That ball is in your court so what you choose to do is up to you.
Many guys are pretty clueless that someone is interested in them.
I am one of them.
A girl that had dated my cousin and the three of us went out to a club, I knew a lot of women there and was out on the dance floor a lot. She had made a comment about she didn't get the good one or something like that when she saw me, I thought nothing of it.
Fast forward and she asked me if I was going to a party at a band members house, so I told my cousin and he told me she was really interested in me.
We got married 2 years later.
She said that once she saw me she wished that she was going to the club with me, and she was really jealous when I was dancing with others.
I did notice a funny look on her face but thought nothing of it.
Yes I was that clueless.
So tell him you are interested in him and see if he would like to go out and get to know each other better.
Lunch is very safe or buy him a coffee or his beverage of choice and put it on a not that says smile if you would like to meet for lunch and stand there while he reads it.
If he isn't in a relationship or gay he is going to smile.
So it's ok to step out of your comfort zone.
Just don't tell him the names you picked out for your children or grandchildren right away.
Good luck and happy hunting.
02 Reply- Asker1 y
Thank you for your advice!
Most Helpful Opinions
I'm going to tell you what I tell men.
You cannot ensure success! You can't look at the man and then judge "he seems the type OK, or not OK, with being approached.
You have no choice but to either approach him, or hope he approaches you.
Or, conversely as I tell men as well. Just start talking to people.
Talk to everyone. Men women old ladies kids teenagers college students rich people poor people. Whoever is around you wherever you are.
If you can do that, it will be ZERO PROBLEM for the rest of your life to initiate talking to a man.
Same goes for men and talking to women.
Just be sociable always and boom. Easy. You can just talk to people and it will always feel natural because it becomes natural.
And to become natural is rhe most important part. Because people can smell the desperate. They can smell you have ulterior motives.00 Reply
- 1 y
Sure! Just check on him and ask how's he doing?
04 Reply- Asker1 y
I found a way and it's kinda funny. I'll say "hey do you know (name)" he'll say no and I'll say "i don't know either. I just wanted to start a conversation. Anyway how are you"
My friends said yes do its, its confident.
What do you think? - 1 y
Sounds great!
- Asker1 y
He said the way I started to the conversation was cute hahaha
- 1 y
Good luck.
What Girls & Guys Said
- u1 y
Do you know anything about his interests and activities? Likes and desires? Does he consider himself to be very knowledgeable in any specific area?
05 Reply- Asker1 y
He likes to travel and clubbing. That's all I know
- 1 y
Think of a reason why you want to ask him a question about something for which he prides himself on his knowledge. That strokes his ego and starts a conversation.
"Hey, I heard that you are a master at clubbing. Do you know what's the hottest spot for this weekend? I'm looking for something to do." - Asker1 y
Yeah at first I did it when he was in abroad, asked a question about this country and if he liked or not. Then I was nervous and deleted the message before he sees it. But now I texted him
- 1 y
Force yourself to reach out and, after a few times, you will get over the anxiety.
- Asker1 y
I will thanks :)
16.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Text him whatever you want- don't be scared. Fortune favors the bold.
14 Reply- Asker1 y
I found a way and it's kinda funny. I'll say "hey do you know (name)" he'll say no and I'll say "i don't know either. I just wanted to start a conversation. Anyway how are you"
My friends said yes do its, its confident.
What do you think? - Asker1 y
Do you think it's a confident message and do guys like confident girls?
Simple, ask him about one of the pics he liked. Ask him something simple, like I noticed you liked said post, what did you like about it?
Or even simpler, mention you seen he was traveling and ask him how it went. Many people like to talk about themselves, offer a question about them and they might be compelled to respond🤔. Then your in the door...
00 Reply- 1 y
I hear the word "crush" and I start thinking this is High School or something.
Us adults just do a bunch of fucking... no time to get nervous and play games on social media... we have fucking to do.01 Reply- Asker1 y
Uh I'm 20 and he's 28. But yeah I'm an adult and I used this word
3.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. If you are too nervous to even text him much less talk to him then you aren't ready for a relationship.
00 ReplyWell, if you're confident enough do it.
However, make sure not to put out. That might be how he catches his prey.010 Reply- Asker1 y
Can you explain
- 1 y
When you ask to see him. Do not have sex with him. He's only visiting. If you do it, he's gonna leave you. Those exchange of messages will gradually become nonexistent.
Just hangout has friends. Don't even entertain a kiss.
He probably talks to various girls where you are and him visiting is to see all of you and various times of the day. Out of you all, he will probably have sex with a couple but don't be the one to give in easily.
Men entertain the hunt, the more they fight for you the more attractive you become to them. - Asker1 y
So I must be a woman hard to get. Yes I see. Once I messaged him but I was nervous so I deleted it. And he saw that I deleted the message on Instagram. Do you think that he's trying to manipulate me by liking my stories? Because I posted my pics on story just for him to get his attention (not sexual pics) and he always liked my stories.
- Asker1 y
I sent him message at 8 pm and now it's almost 3 am. I don't think he slept at 8 pm. Maybe he saw my message and didn't reply
- 1 y
Nah, Men don't even know what manipulate means.
We don't think that deep. The only times Men are evil is when it comes to sports, business and ways of making money.
I don't think he's trying to manipulate you. I think he just going with the flow. He's probably nice but if you give him what he wants early he won't value you as much.
The key here is he's able to travel for a visit. If he really really likes you his traveling to come visit will become frequent.
Just be patient and be yourself. Don't be nervous and don't go down dark allies. - Asker1 y
Thank you so much! My friend just said the same. She told me to be busy with something to distract myself, so yeah I'm gonna draw to not thinking about it haha
- Asker1 y
He just answered me hahaba
11.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes, you should. Invite him to coffee or lunch or dinner or whatever.
00 Reply- 1 y
Go ahead- nothing ventured, nothing gained.
03 Reply- Asker1 y
I did. Its been 1 hour but he still didn't text. I guess he's sleeping since he checks my stories at night and early morning
- 1 y
Give it a few days. The problem with "instant" communications these days is that there are SO many reasons that it ISN'T.
- 1 y
I wish I made plenty of phone calls that I never worked up the courage to make when I was younger.
Go for it. You never know until you talk / ask. If he is liking your posts he is likely following/paying attention to you specifically.
00 Reply- 1 y
Sounds like you have a bright future ahead of you if you keep this up
02 Reply- Asker1 y
I found a way and it's kinda funny. I'll say "hey do you know (name)" he'll say no and I'll say "i don't know either. I just wanted to start a conversation. Anyway how are you"
My friends said yes do its, its confident.
What do you think? Why are u in a hurry to have a boyfriend? That boy can't take care of you, you need to learn to take care of yourself first just think about it what if he trys to pressure u into doing something and breaks your heart.
I just wish someone stopped me when I was your age cause it's very painful to have someone you have strong feeling for tell you "I'm sorry I'm just not feeling it no more" and leave u standing there all alone they have someone new the next day its almost unbearable for some people just sayin
No harm in taking the first step, it will be followed by mutual acceptance of further more steps to come in future, if all goes well !
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
OMG what a wonderful story
10 Reply - 1 y
Yup message him and try to set up meet up
02 Reply- Asker1 y
I found a way and it's kinda funny. I'll say "hey do you know (name)" he'll say no and I'll say "i don't know either. I just wanted to start a conversation. Anyway how are you"
My friends said yes do its, its confident.
What do you think? - 1 y
Anything will be fine be direct and confident in yourself and it's better to talk to him in person than apps
- 1 y
If you think it's worth it
00 Reply - 1 y
Don’t text him, wait for him
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 y
No because he doesn't like you
01 Reply- 1 y
No wait
1K opinions shared on Dating topic. yea why wait
02 Reply- Asker1 y
I found a way and it's kinda funny. I'll say "hey do you know (name)" he'll say no and I'll say "i don't know either. I just wanted to start a conversation. Anyway how are you"
My friends said yes do its, its confident.
What do you think?
Don’t chase men
00 Reply13.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yeah
00 Reply
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