Do men and women of your country/ethnicity turn you off marriage? Is it truly the age of cross cultural marriages?


Men and Women,

Do you ever find that the men or women of your ethnicity/nationality behave in way that is opposite to everything you want in your life partner? Their behavior, attitudes, habits or even body type? Do they ever turn you off the thought of marriage entirely? Is this a case of grass is greener on the other side?

I've seen this story play out with South Asian women, Persian women and East Asian women. Even to friends of mine from these nationalities. These are good women. Kind, educated, have jobs, don't believe in sleeping around because of the cultures they come from, want happy marriages and look forward to being wives and mothers. And yet, they seem to meet the absolute worst form their cultures.

I hear of passport bros and that women in the US seem to think they just want poor women they can manipulate. Why are men and women unable to find matches within their cultures. Has familiarity bred contempt?

Do men and women of your country/ethnicity turn you off marriage? Is it truly the age of cross cultural marriages?
3 Opinion