- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
Yes to the question.
To the update, it really depends. My inclination is to say no. And that's only because I've said yes before hoping that I'd develop some attraction to her. Why say yes if the answer at some point is no? It's like you're leading her on.
So maybe we should ask you. If you asked a guy out. Would you want him saying "yes" even if he wasn't attracted to you?
12 Reply- 1 y
No I wouldn't want him to, but I'd want him to reject me gently
- Opinion Owner1 y
Just try to remember if a guy rejects you, he's not really rejecting YOU. He's rejecting his PERCEPTION of you. And he could be way off. We as people really give strangers opinions of us far more weight than we should. You're friends and family know you better they're really actually more qualified to determine your true worth. And we as people foolishly tend to give their words the least amount of weight
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 y
It definitely makes things easier. I guess it depends on if the guys single and if it’s a girl he’s interested in to be honest.
Now, nobody should wait for someone to make the first move. If you like someone…. Talk to them or it’s on you when you loose your chance. That goes for both sexes. Stop playing games33 Reply- 1 y
As far as the second question goes. That just depends. Most people I spend time with are people I already know.
If I know im not into someone. I will do my best to turn someone down gently. Otherwise, a simple date for coffee might not hurt and if things don’t go well. We don’t have to go out again - 1 y
Agreed 👍
What Girls & Guys Said
2.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. I would say yes, mainly because most girls’ know what they want when it comes to guy’s , so if she makes the first move , her chances of getting me to fall for her increases , usually the relationships I had with girls’ that made the first move lasted longer than girls’ I made the first move on , so I like it when a girl makes the first move , whether I am attracted to her or not , I am still polite and treat her with respect , I tend to put myself in someone else’s shoes when it comes to someone taking a chance at me. No reason to be rude , people that are rude right from the start our assholes in my opinion , The only time someone should be an asshole is if the other person is t take No as an answer , but other than that , no reason to be rude , We all eat and shit pretty much the same
10 Reply408 opinions shared on Dating topic. Guys tend to like it, as long as the approach is subtle and she's not coming on too strong. It's better to be too subtle than too strong, as you can always increase the effort when it is subtle, but you can't reduce something that has already turned the guy off.
Girls often expect guys to read their mind. Guys are not mind readers. If you want him to know you're interested, find a way to show interest. Sometimes that actually helps guys to notice what they previously were unaware of.
View this from his perspective, not yours. Rather than give him what you'd like to receive, discover what he'd appreciate and then do that. Girls are more likely than guys to appreciate compliments on how they look. Guys prefer being noticed for things they say and do.
11 Reply- 1 y
If you're not physically attractive, discover something about you that would be seen as attractive to the guy. It could be shared interests or a specific talent, or qualities about you that impress the guy. Understand that everyone has his/her preferences, so don't take it personally if they prefer something different from what you present. After all, you have chosen him based on your preferences.
- 1 y
I love it when she makes the first move, and the second, third...
00 Reply 530 opinions shared on Dating topic. Of course we do!! That is the MOST FLATTERING thing possible that a girl can do, and any guy would be out of his mind to not be crazy when a woman shows her interest like that!
While at a new job in Newport Beach, when I first moved here, a girl in my new office, after Happy Hour, out in the parking lot, when dark, she put her hand down in my pants!! NOW THAT is making the first move!!! I did not run with it, because, I did not like her, I did so because I was making a 'new start, on a new job, in a new state" and left the crazy way of living I had in Ohio.
But yes, that is the most sincere, flattering thing a woman can do! yes, yes, yes!!!
10 Reply- 1 y
First off, girls are never straightforward in the ways of romance! We NEVER know if their flirting is for real or just a tease! So, if she comes on, first, at least we know we've got a good chance with her
Secondly, probably not. When I was in high school, this girl, Janice, used to chase me through the halls! By this point, I'm 6' 1" and she's a very chubby 4'-something!! She had scraggly red hair, was very chubby and short (as I've said), not at all pretty and had a voice that could peel paint!! I had no problem being friends with her but had NO intention of having her for a girlfriend!! One day, I was going from one class to the next and she saw me in the hall about 30 feet away and came running after me and, before I knew it, her arms were wrapped around my thighs (the top of her head only came up to my stomach!) and refused to let me go as she professed her great love for me!! I already had my heart set on someone else!10 Reply 354 opinions shared on Dating topic. It's definitely worked well for me.
A little over 10 years ago, I made the first move on a guy... and we'll be celebrating our 10th anniversary next year.
51 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)1 y
First question: it’s nice to know up front when a woman likes me and knows she wants me.. I don’t think it’s emasculating or anything. I actually respect that. You are mature enough to not play games and wait around for me to maybe notice you.. because to be honest, I really don’t give chasing the females the time of day. My day to day activities and making money are more important than any pussy on this planet. Not to say I don’t get pussy, I just don’t waste a lot of time chasing it.
Second question: BIG FAT NOPE! I’ve turned down 4 women in my life time.. one was way to big for me (I let her know, didn’t end well), one had bad break, no matter what time of day (also let her know, also didn’t go well). Last two wanted fancy dinners and were very bad at conversation. Didn’t waste my time.10 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 y
I think more guys nowadays do than they did before, but I don't. I like to be the one to lead and I find it to be a bit if a turn off when a girl makes the first move. A lot of people wouldn't like me saying this and that's fine, we can disagree and be civil, but I see making the first move like that as a bit of a masculine trait. If a girl does want to be somewhere proactive in the matter, I think it'd be more attractive if she simply tried to make herself more noticeable. Like, via eye contact, positioning, etc.
That being said, I wouldn't say it's a deal breaker. But if a girl does do that, either she is my type and there are external forces influencing her to do things beyond what she'd naturally do (which I think there is a lot of these days), or she's not likely to be quite my type.10 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 y
It depends honestly on how i wasn't attracted to them. As it could be that I was just interested in them as a friend. I'd still be willing to go out with them but I'd be clear as just friends if that makes sense. But I wouldn't necessarily go out with someone just cause they made the first move.
Though I would be super happy if they did as well it's really hard for me having bad social anxiety.19 Reply- Opinion Owner1 y
It's really hard to manage that and I'm honestly in the same boat. I don't have many friends because of it and it even causes issues at work for me. As it's most forms of communication that make me anxious.
- Opinion Owner1 y
Yeah I'm an introvert as well. Only one person never drained my energy at one time. She was my closest friend and now I don't know.
I never really go to parties. I went to a nightclub once though and two women came up to ask if I was okay. I probably looked super uncomfortable and probably a bit ill tbh. It was super sweet of them though. - Opinion Owner1 y
Yeah they can be. Your so lucky to have them. I only for a time had that one friend but sadly that seems to have gone honestly. Hopefully I can find someone like that again.
- Opinion Owner1 y
Yeah that's what I tell myself. It's been very lovely to talk to someone who gets it. Thank you for that.
1.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. I would say yes in a way that guys like when a woman shows her intentions early because it can give a guy self confidence and calm him to know there are mutual feelings and she likes him, too. Especially in modern days where guys learn early to nothing non-consensual with her it could relieve a guy knowing her intentions.
00 ReplyYes and no, sometimes I do it depends on how I'm feeling at the time, sometimes I prefer to make the moves and if it's flowing and going well i like it making the moves first even more.
My answer to the second question is again it would depend on how I felt at the time and if there she had any other qualities that I found attractive.
10 Reply- 1 y
It would certainly take the guess work out of whether she's interested or not. As per part 2 of your question, I may consider going out with someone I am less attracted to appearance-wise just to see if there is a connection.
10 Reply - 1 y
I absolutely appreciate it when a girl makes the first move. If I'm not interested in her romantically, I let her know as gently and kindly as possible. I have had to do this before and will count the girl as a friend
20 Reply 7.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. I was really shy with girls when I was younger. I would never have the nerve to ask out a girl. Even if I knew she was into me I could not make a move. Maybe i might have appreciated a little push.
10 Reply- 1 y
I turned down the last three dates because I wasn't attracted to her and I'm not dating this year, but I give them all props for asking. If they'd asked next year I'd have said yes.
10 Reply Like everything in life, Lisa Some boys like that some boys don’t some men like that some men don’t, and some women like to do that and some women don’t in the end be yourself be true to yourself and the guy you’re with will love you for it
10 Reply2.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. I always liked it. I made the first move many times, but I've wound up with girlfriends who made the first move, too.
10 ReplyFor the initial interaction, no. But after the fact, we do like it when women make the first move when ti comes to sex.
10 Reply- 1 y
Mostly Yes (unless too needy or desperate)
1. It depends on the individual
2. It depends on the level of attraction
10 Reply - 1 y
Yes, that is extremely attractive. It would definitely make a woman more appealing in my eyes.
10 Reply - 1 y
For me, yes I definitely prefer if she makes the first move. I don;t mind an aggressive female. It shows me she is interested. Most of my best relationships she made the first move.
20 Reply - 1 y
Yeah thats preferred.
But no I'd politely reject her if I'm not both physically and mentally attracted to her.10 Reply Yeah boys definitely do, it assured them that you want them too
It depends, for me a relationship would be more of a personality/compatibility question
10 Reply- 1 y
It’s almost a necessity here in America at this point.
10 Reply - 1 y
Yes, I like when they make the first move.
10 Reply 5.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Depends on the guy. Some dummies get insulted when the female makes the first move. Those are good ones to avoid though.
10 Reply- 1 y
Yes. But sometimes it really depends how a girl comes up to a guy. Can be a possibile tease just for attention.
10 Reply - 1 y
I'd welcome and appreciate such girl in my life, if she makes efforts for me 💓
10 Reply - 1 y
I know that I do. my lady hit on me she made it quite clear that she wants to be with me and she loves to dress me up in sexy lingerie and roleplay that I am her girlfriend Kristie
10 Reply I love it, but it so rarely happens these days. most girls make moves that are so subtle that the guy might not notice or will still ultimately have to make the first move.
00 Reply4.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Generally, because then we don't have to risk rejection.
21 ReplyOnly if I am attracted to her and her first move isn't too strong
10 Reply10.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes, though you may want to gauge interest first.
10 Reply- 1 y
I do like it. cuts out a lot of the guessing work of 'does she like me or not?' lol
10 Reply - 1 y
Yes it’s nice but I wish girls did it more often.
11 Reply- 1 y
I might.
- 1 y
yea it removes all the guesswork for us. we don't understand women so this makes our lives simple
10 Reply - 1 y
Depends on girl if I like her yes if not then i find her creepy and disgusting
10 Reply I like it, as it shows they are confident and I prefer confident women.
10 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)1 y
Yes, especially since MeToo banned guys from asking and to answer the second question maybe
10 Reply 1.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. I like it because some women are too mysterious and will never let you know if they are attracted to you
00 Reply- 1 y
Yes, most of us like it. Some don’t, but they are an exception.
10 Reply 339 opinions shared on Dating topic. I like it when she does! A lot of us are shy and hate to make the first move lol
00 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)1 y
Tons of guys in the world do but unfortunately this will never be normalized
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)1 y
The problem is is if a guy isn't making the first move its for a good reason. So if a girl makes the first move she's likely to be rejected.
10 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 y
She have to be sexy asf
Who make a first move doesn't exict me.10 Reply - 1 y
I personally like yet yes, and appreciate it too.
18 Reply- 1 y
And the answer to the second question is yes too.
Why not giving it a try, maybe she is a very special person. - 1 y
That wouldn't be me as if she takes the trouble to make the first move and show interest, I am a lot more determined to hang around
- 1 y
- 1 y
That's an issue then, because look isn't a deal breaker, but personality of course is, I can't deal with someone who has a shitty personality, if I find out that she has a bad personality on the first date I would end it then.
- 1 y
That's different, I meant really bad, I won't go with her more than that date and end it there.
not social enough is not something bad in my opinion, I myself not a social person, if anything I'd prefer someone who is not social like me.
- 1 y
Yes. And the men like it even more! :-D
10 Reply 3.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Oh yeah. It is a blessing.
10 Reply943 opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes, I think so bc sometimes they are shy
21 Reply- 1 y
340 opinions shared on Dating topic. Of course we do! Lol
11 Reply- 1 y
I like it. Maybe just might say yes.
10 Reply 13.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. Most guys are okay with that
10 Reply- 1 y
that is not true in most cases
10 Reply 879 opinions shared on Dating topic. I think so yes
10 Reply382 opinions shared on Dating topic. That's nice as well..
20 Reply2.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. ABSO FUCKING LOUTLEY
10 ReplyThey can. Depends on the guy though.
10 Reply- 1 y
yes we like when a girl doesn’t play games.
00 Reply 1.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. yes i love it.
10 ReplyYes..
10 Reply- Show More (6)
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