Do you ever feel weird about dating someone younger?


My mom married a man 1 year and 24 days younger than her. She's 2/1/1956, he's 2/25/1957. They've been married since August 17, 1985, so they're happily married for 30+ years, but, for some reason I always sort of thought it's weird to date someone younger than you, whether it's older man, younger woman, or older woman, younger man. Like, shouldn't it be at least the same amount of years, even if it's different months and days. What's funny is, the girl I like is born the day before me, only 4 years apart. She's 3/18, 1993 and I'm 3/19/1989.

So I guess I really just defeated my own question but, still.

Do you ever feel weird about dating someone younger?
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