3 mo

Are my friends being unsupportive or realistic?

I have huge interest in this girl. We had two college classes together, first in the fall and the second one was that winter. In the fall class she used to talk out in class a lot and mentioned she was a lesbian but I was in a relationship at the time. One day I came in and she moved seats to talk to her friend who sat behind me ( so the lesbian sat diagonally behind me ) and I was walking up to my seat when I noticed her staring at me and she looked like she wanted to talk to me but I looked away. We never talked and the next semester we had class together again. We did an icebreaker on the first day and went around the class. Once it got to me and after I said my name and stuff about me she got up and said bye to her friend and left. I just assumed she had another class or something but she rarely left class early after that day. Also she drastically changed her hair and when she revealed it to the class she side glanced at me first. I saw her casually glance at me a few times in the semester. She also sat next to me once because her seat got taken and she was fiddling with her keys. Also on the last day of class, the professor called on me to explain something and the lesbian said “mmm” in agreeance to what I was saying.
That’s been about a year lol and I just graduated and am single and I am interested in her. I’ve made friends who run in the same circle but still have yet for an opportunity to see her but I plan on making it happen. I have two work friends who I’ve gushed about the lesbian to. I’ve showed them pics and one said that I was out of her league and too attractive for her. The other seemed more supportive and listens when I talk about her. Today I joked how I didn’t have a crush but was interested and my friend said I was crushing but it was very very cute. I then said what if I got to know her and didn’t like her. My friend then was like “or it could be the opposite and she ends up not liking you. It could go so many ways”. Why did she say that?
Are my friends being unsupportive or realistic?
Post Opinion