24 d

I’ve never had a girlfriend, is it my fault?

I have ‘sexist’ beliefs and girls here tell me ‘I see why you’re single.’

I am such a good guy and would treat a girl so right. I would provide and protect, but expect the girl to belong to me! Give me children, love and worship me as I would to her

I just saw a douche bag with a hot girlfriend walk into a bar to use the toilets, later he was shouting ‘do you know who my dad is.’ These guys get girls 🙈

I’ve never had a girlfriend and all these bad, loser men have girlfriends 🤧😡

It’s fine you’ve always been single
It’s a sign there’s something bad about you
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24 d
I want a girl like my sisters who are at home looking after kids while the men work as men/women should. That’s only sexiest if someone has manipulated your mind. Modern liberalism doesn’t lead to a thriving society! It leads to failure. Men and women have different life purposes!!
24 d
It’s always the lowest of low men that get girls then you criticise me. I don’t get it 😅
I’ve never had a girlfriend, is it my fault?
Post Opinion