Give that sweet woman a chance
Absolutely Not
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Not apples to apples, coach. :D
A more comparable scenario is, say, he got straightened out and got a decent job, demonstrating he was stable and able to provide for a family. That's reasonable and doable for most people with some work and dedication, just like physical fitness is. It isn't unreasonable to require financial stability and responsibility in a partner, especially since money issues are such a huge source of conflict in marriages. He doesn't need to be wealthy, just responsible and able to cover normal living costs while putting something by for the future. In that scenario, yes, he should give her a chance.
But the extreme of him now being a wealthy and successful entrepreneur is the giveaway on her real motivation (social climbing), assuming she has a median or low income herself. Therefore, in this scenario, no, I don't think he should, unless he still feels something for her and wants to risk being used. The exception is if she is an extremely successful person in her own right, and sees that he is now on her level, in which case he might consider giving it another shot.
I'd say the same thing on the other scenario (no) if she not only lost the weight, but became America's Next Top Model to boot. That's on another level entirely, because now his own achievements and physical fitness are under evaluation. It's a case of "Are we on a fairly level playing field, or is there an imbalance of power or status in the relationship?" Just my thoughts on it...
Maybe he was “broke” because he was in the early stages of being an entrepreneur and the woman couldn’t see beyond her nose on the potential he had?
@blueonblack22 Could be, and she just couldn't be bothered to be supportive during his initial time investment getting it off the ground. Her loss. :D
@TheRealPepperPotts exactly her loss. But I find women to be much more judgmental and superficial when it comes to first looks and optics. Not all of them but too may of them.
Anyway if this women comes circling back he should tell her “well I just wasn’t good enough for you then and I guess I am not good enough for you now”.
The only exception would be if she wanted to stay with him when he was struggling (but saw his potential) but he told her he didn’t want to put her through that stress. That’s different.
But if she rejected him because she failed to see his potential then he need to tell her to pound sand if she tried circle back. She would ditch him again if he fell on hard times anyway.
@blueonblack22 Stability and fitness are important to me personally, because those are priorities for me, too. But it's silly when a woman can't see a guy is putting in the effort and rejects him. And a guy doesn't need to be "rich", just able to cover the bases and put something by, that's all.
I agree. If he told her to go, that's different. But I don't think that's the scenario, in which case she's a high-risk investment for him. Especially if she's semi-broke herself. All she has to do is get him to marry her and put her on his paperwork and then file for divorce. Boom, she's made off like a bandit and is set.
@TheRealPepperPotts these women are still too common.
Also I know women try to compare this to men who reject them for being overweight. That is NOT apples to apples comparison either. Losing weight and getting in shape is science. While it’s difficult and painful virtually anybody can get in shape IF they are willing to be self disciplined and really put in the effort. Yes some people are better off genetically then others. But still almost anybody can look good IF they work hard on it.
But not anybody can get rich. Sure anybody can make enough money to be 100% financially independent if they are driven and able bodied. But becoming wealthy is not an exact science like losing weight and getting fit. It requires risk taking, sacrifices, intelligence, self discipline, confidence and ingenuity. And luck is involved too. Being able to recognize an opportunity and being in the right time to engage it matters as well.
Anyway women could do better job at recognizing that self made financially well off men didn’t simply make an easy “decision” to get rich. They worked and took risks that she will never comprehend.
@blueonblack22 You are correct, it's NOT apples to apples. Totally agree. Building an empire isn't just covering yourself financially. It's covering dozens, if not hundred or potentially thousands of other men and women with families to support. A more accurate comparison would be if a women not only became incredibly fit, but then went on to help and train dozens, hundreds, thousands of other women to do the same. That's a more accurate equivalency, although still not perfect.
He shouldn't give her a chance, no. She is using him for what he has. She didn't want him when he was broke, and now she does when he isn't. She will only stay with you when you are doing well in life, and then when you hit a hard point in your life, that's when she'll leave. When your health is bad, or you need help, she won't be interested in helping. She won't really love you for you, she didn't want you when you weren't doing so well, so now that she wants you is a big red flag. It's a big sign that she is likely the type of person to only be there for you when your giving her what she wants or when she benefits from it... but when you want or need something she won't do the same. She may "try" to, but it likely won't be out of true love. She'll love you for your money not you. That's no good, so no, don't give her a chance. In fact find a women who would be there for you during the hard times. Meet a nice women, don't let her know if you are very well off, obviously women want a man that can provide, but to want someone just because of how much money they have is ridiculous. She should fall in love with you for you, not your money. So I think it'd be good if you tested a women, let her know you can take care of yourself, but don't let her know that you have so much money now. It'd be good to see if a women will like you for you and not your money.
Ha coach. I bet you were one of those peeps in high school that were like "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT".
Referencing your previous post Guy rejects woman for being overweight. The guy is now interested in her after she lost the weight. Should she now give him a chance?, not choosing women because they're overweight is less of a shallow thing than only being with a man for his money. Money is a material possession. It's like saying you like someone for their car or their watch. Being overweight on the other hand is a reflection of your lifestyle and effort you put into your appearance. It's much easier to watch what you eat and live an active lifestyle than it is to be rich. There are tons of hardworking dudes out there that aren't rich.
The gold digger mentality really is disgusting and I find that girls that try to compare a guy not liking girls that are overweight to a girl not liking a guy for being broke don't really have any logic. All men care about is physical attraction and compatibility. Physical attraction mattering is literally a biological predisposition. Money is a human made concept. There's no comparison.
So he should give her a chance?
Rather not, but it heavly depends on how and why she rejected him:
Was she worrying about them not being able to support themselves as a couple with potential children. Does she needs proof about him being smart and having hardworking abilities? Or is she just greedy?
Secondly it is interesting to see this question as a reverse of girl being obese. But this is not symmetrical. It is far easier to get rid of obesity than to earn 20 million dollars.
Body, mind and soul are intertwined, integral part of the unique person. Money is an external object with meny exemplars. So in previous question, the problem was whether her unique person is physically attractive enough for him to feel attraction to her. Here the problem is: whether he posses some external non-unique objects, so that she could spend them on her lifestyle. There is NO ANY ATTRACTION from her towards him that can be established, by him gaining the money. It is not physical attraction, it is not spiritual attraction or attraction to his personality. In this case there is a no even potential to establish attraction to a person, only attraction to the money.
It would be the same thing as if once a girl got plastic surgery on her face and chest, and now a previous guy she liked finally wants to be with her. Even though beauty will always be the first criterion any man starts with when selecting a long term girlfriend, I would still like to pretend that it was just that one guy that was a superficial jerk, and let a new guy I just met ask me out as if he were nicer than the other guy. Same goes for the guy who suddenly has lots of money. He should just try to live with rose colored glasses and pretend that the next girl that comes along who knows how much money he has is totally still just with him for his personality. He can pretend that the other girl is just a rare case of gold digger, and just channel his anger about all women towards her. It's too depressing to acknowledge how superficial both sexes are in their own ways. We have to pretend that they are holistic to protect own sanity.
I'm pretty sure that's never happened.
Not all men are so superficial. As I have said many times on here every girl that I have dated was a ten to me even if only a three to others. Relationships are not about looks. A girl posted on here just the other day saying her husband left her saying she doesn’t look like she did when they first met. She has had a couple of kids, put on a few pounds and has stretch marks now. So what does he expect? But, that is what happens when looks are the bases of a relationship. When the looks change the relationship changes too….
I dunno if I'd go that far. I'm just saying most guys will fuck anything and it's usually her personality that's going to ruin it.
Never have I ever seen someone get plastic surgery that was so good it could make me change my mind.
Not even a bbl
Uuugh. Whyyyy?
No, not another gold digger. While I understand that a woman needs to consider a guy's financial stability, and probably does need to avoid a deadbeat sort of guy, there are a lot of guys out there who aren't earning what they'd like... but they work hard and still deserve love, you know?
So no... he shouldn't allow that into his life if he was actually working hard but just down on his luck at the time...
Nope, but also that woman should 100% stick to her guns. I had a situation like this happen to me, and while the guy still ended up getting a decent job (after I rejected him) I don’t and will never feel right attempting to talk to him after the fact. My pride is way too high to like someone after the fact
If has no one else available, he can give her a chance but be prepared to learn that she is the ultimate gold digger.
Nah, no need to give a gold digger you have had a negative encounter with when they are plenty of other women out there.
Fuck No , that Gold digger bitch
Man rejects woman when she’s obese and ugly. Man is now interested after she lost weight, have the perfect body and looking hot. Should she give him a chance?
You can’t hold it against people that they aren’t attracted to or interested in you when you don’t meet their requirements of what they’re looking for in a partner. If a restaurant don’t serve food you like then you don’t go there, if they suddenly start serving you favorite food you suddenly do go there. That’s how it works. With that said, no they shouldn’t give each other any new chances as you shouldn’t pick something back up with people you have some sort of story with. Find someone new, but know that she too more than likely would have rejected you before you were rich, she just happened to meet you after getting rich while the girl who rejected you happened to meet you while broke.
from my perspective... I have a valid reason to reject or break up... so can't see any way to return... if there was a way of solving the problem, there wouldn't be a rejection/break up...
so can't imagine her returning to the guy she rejected... the same as I can't imagine her to reject someone she liked, only because of money...
I liked many strippers in my day but still rejected them for relationships
You could say I am armed to the teeth. Perhaps no gold digger makes it past me however adept they are 😎
Why would you ever have to deal with a gold digger? What are they going to take from you? lol
I'm preparing for the future, although I feel it's an effort I could save now for something else. Still got nothing to get dug for.
In the wisdom of the Tate brothers, getting wealthy is just level 1. Dealing with the challenges, that come with being wealthy e. g. gold diggers, matrix attacks, dodging papa government and the tax man is what comes after level 1. I'm still stuck on level 1.
If he's attracted to her otherwise sure why not give her a chance. Whether they admitted or not or are even consciously aware of it themselves or not women are naturally attracted with men who have a tremendous capacity to provide. Translation they are attracted to wealthy men.
So just because her attraction increased because he came into money doesn't mean there's something wrong with her. It's natural.
Men have been the natural providers since the human race began. The woman needs someone to bring home the bacon while she takes care of the cave and the kids. That's why she finds it attractive when a man can bag a Woolly Mammoth and bring home the meat for the family.
Don't be a fool.
A man working and making his money though he might be poor can still provide and help the household.
A woman that loves and cares for a man will be there for him while he's struggling or trying to built himself up and help him along the way vs a woman who don't do ish and is waiting at the finish line to pick the winner out of convenience.
I don't know the answer to this one. If you give me his phone number I'll be better able to judge him.
She is beyond obviously a gold digger
Rejecting him for being broke is fine, but immediately being interested after he is rich proves that all she cares about is money
Maybe she just wants to make sure he can afford to take care of her and the family.
Lol well Coach, the man too needs to make sure that she cares for him and not just his 20 million
LOL I know I know
Ehh I'd let her in. Just because I'm a bit of a machiavellianist. Someone that desperate and empty is good as a placeholder for your girl that's really it.
She'll try so hard to prove herself and manipulate you into forgetting that she's only there for the money. So I wouldn't feel bad about it at all.
I mean he can if he want to but she would surely cheat on him or marry him then divorce to get his money and leave him so not really the best idea, she could also murder him after marrying him. Those people obsessed with money are worse than people only loving appearance. If I were him I would fear for my life.
Ironic women vote no to this. But then on another question most women they voted no to dating a broke guy.
Just a fun little detail.
Do you want a high profile divorce for money? Because this is how you get one.
Once a digger, always a digger... so errmmm... NO, NO WAY! simple as that!
I know I would not, just because I'd be getting those gold digger vibes.
You can't blame her for not wanting to start something with someone who clearly wasn't helping himself. So what? Maybe her rejecting him put an ambition in him that excelled his so called idea or business ventures years later led him to 20 million. Maybe she never saw the ingenuity because she was ambitious herself. Tic for tac. Sane goes for a guy wanting the overweight girl who is hot now? And you bounced off my question. Glad I could inspire!
Maybe lol 😂
No he’s an idiot. Ik a girl who married a guy for money and he married her for looks. Their life is miserable. People need to look for who the person is on the inside not on the outside. Anything can happen. Dude could lose everything and she could get an in accident and lose her looks.
You’re gonna find people out there who do this. just like women will find shallow guys who do everything “nice” until they get her into bed. You’re also gonna find people who don’t do this.
Live and learn.
Nope, won't be meaningful in any way, obvious what she's there for, just like the guy from yesterday
No, I see it if a person curbed you once, they don't deserve a second chance. He could always let her suck his dick in public tho, then kick her to the curb lol.
How was he broke when he had a business worth 20 million dollars? Was he just awful at that business or something?
to her he was broke because all his money was tied up in the business.
It is for this question lol
I'm gonna say No, but only because she was too blind to see that even though he was momentarily broke, he had a lot of potential.
Nope. You know what's she's interested in and it isn't him.
HELL to the power of NO.
I encourage everyone to avoid women that volunteer to go Pro.
Pretty obviously a big No , as reflected by the poll , she is a digger.
they're looking at each other for the wrong reasons... keep them away
He should hook up with her and then dump her.
I get this you are asking this question at the same time as the question about a fat woman getting thin to see if people are hypocrites
Fuck, no!! She's already proven what she's really interested in!
Rich arseholes and gold-diggers are a good match.
Maybe she could reduce his richness.
I ship it.
No he shouldn't since he now knows she's with him for money not love
No, this just proves she's a gold digger and is only after his money otherwise she wouldn't have rejected him.
Fuck no, if you don't fuck with me when im broke why should i fuck with you when im not. If you weren't with me at the bottom you don't get to be with me at the top.
Absolutely not, she's never going to take the marriage vows seriously.
Fuck NO. She's a dbag.
And gold digger.
When You 're Broke for the Second Time and You Want Her to Reject You a Second Time, This Time Through Betrayal, You Can Give Her This Chance.
Same answer as the other question you asked.
A chance yes. A chance to dance for him. Then after she's about ready to give up he should tell her he's just not interested.💩💩💩
No, he should ignore her. She is just a parasite.
He’ll be dumb if he did.
This isn't by chance a response to the question about the fat chick who lost weight is it?
No, he should not. Gold diggers are never a good choice.
No. Sh is a golddigger
what the actual fuck.
Absolutely not. She showed her true colors
Nah he should give me his 20 million 😂
Hell no. She's just a gold digger
Boy should tell her to f**k off !!!
Recreational use only.
Absolutely not.
Heeeeeeeeeelllllllllll naw
No. She'll leave when shit goes down.
Definitely not.
Nah but it’s up to him
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