1.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Well because the time that he's spending with her you feel that are you wish that he was spending with you.. .
As a lover you know the things that you like and how he does things and would he do them with her could he make her feel as good as he's made you feel I mean there's all kinds of different reasons..
But really you have to remember one or two things he's with you right now right and..
You cannot make anybody in this world love you no matter who you are no matter who they are and if you did try to make them then it would be fake they would be fake so you have to do your part in your relationship to make it the best you possibly can and not worry about things like that girl even though I know it's hard to do because if he's going to do something he's going to do it and if he's going to do something he will be caught no matter what everybody gets caught no matter what and you have to know down deep that's on him that's his problem you were good you did everything possible to make things work and he basically f***** your life and f***** his life because I guarantee it that girl and him wouldn't last either so just be the best you can be and believe in yourself do the best you can do be the best you can be and make your relationship work and at least you know in your heart you've done your part00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
Attention is the biggest reason
Any attention he gives someone else is attention he could’ve given you.
It’s irrational to be this possessive but also a natural behavior when you like someone
Back when I was dating there were a few guys I wanted to toss out of a window for being too clingy to my then girlfriend.
I was 90% sure one of them was gay but it didn’t matter
And it wasn’t a lack of faith in her. I knew she wouldn’t cheat I just didn’t want them taking up her time which we could’ve spent together.
Again: irrational00 Reply
- 2 d
You don't trust either of them with each other and you need to work on your self-worth.
Friends are friends. They aren't future romantic relationships. He's chosen you. He hangs out with them sometimes. Are your male friends a threat to him? Of course not. Again. Friends.
Talk to a counselor, read some books on the subject and work this out. These kinds of feelings waste time and energy. When you're secure and you trust people, you don't get involved in jealousy and silly worries.00 Reply
1.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. Many guys are attracted to their female friends
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 3 d
Dunno, need more information to even guess.
Maybe he flirts with them. Maybe he goes out with them without you. Maybe you're insecure that he will cheat. Maybe you're right to fear that because about 40% of people do cheat...00 Reply - u3 d
there's a lack of trust... valid or not
there's insecurities, a lack of communication... or something not right is happening as well
you should be the one with the best answer really...00 Reply 13.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. You must be feeling insecure about your relationship or your self-worth.
00 Reply- 3 d
Normal. I won't date a woman with male friends.
10 Reply Does he have a flirty personality?
00 Reply- 3 d
Trust issues.
00 Reply typical lady stuff!
00 Reply
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