2.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes it’s normal , she has eyes just like you have eyes , I am sure you find other girls’ attractive as well , so it goes the same way. All that matters is that the both of you are choosing each other if you both want your relationship and love for each other to continue to grow. Next time she points out a guy that she finds attractive just tell her Damn you must think I am ugly if you think he is good looking , why would you want to be with a guy like me if you think he is attractive? So instead of getting jealous and upset about it , just joke around about it with her and she will love you more for it and probably eventually stop telling you about attractive guys’ Most females’ love to try to get their men jealous , it’s her way of knowing if her man is confident. Most females’ love confidence in a man , if she finds her man to be weak and insecure , that’s a turn off to her big time , Girls’ love looking up to a guy that has confidence it makes her feel safe and secure in the relationship, if she doesn’t feel safe and secure she might run to another guy that does make her feel that way. So my advice man don’t let those other guys’ she is talking about effect you in any way , joke with her about it and I guarantee she will be on her knees for you. Instead of being on her knees for someone else.
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Most Helpful Opinions
1.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. One of the best things about being in a relationship is having your partner know who you are I mean just because I'm in a relationship doesn't mean that I don't look or it doesn't mean that she wouldn't either what you have to understand is that she's with you and if you can't trust or respect her then you shouldn't be in a relationship I mean it's that simple..
Because there's no reason in the world for you to have to go through that if she wants to go out with her girlfriends you wondering or thinking what is she doing it just wouldn't be worth it but if you know that she loves you that she's into you it doesn't matter what she says about other guys it matters that she trust and respects you and she's not going to hurt you and if she hasn't come straight out and said that then you haven't communicated enough
Every girl I've ever dated if she wanted to go out on girls night it's not a problem because for me I trust and I respect her and if I had any worries whatsoever I wouldn't be with her.
And I want her to go out and have a good time with her friends because everybody needs that once in a while that you have to have that trust and that respect and if you don't then it's just not worth being in the relationship really00 Reply
- 8 d
she finds your mind attractive, that's why she is your girlfriend... the appearances are... not really important...
as long as you make her wet and needy, all is as it should be :D30 Reply
- 6 d
It doesn't really matter if she finds most or some men attractive. Out of respect for you, as her boyfriend, she needs to be a lot more subtle and less obvious about it.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 6 d
Try answering the opposite question... Do you find most women attractive?
Hint: Most men find women attractive, but don't do anything about it.
01 Reply- Asker6 d
Yeah. I do. She seems to be like that with men too. But it is unusual for a girl
2.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Are you sure she’s your girlfriend? Sounds like she’s still shopping for a guy.
10 ReplyI think it's obviously normal for both girls and guys. Now, there are levels and there are ways to behave. I was with a group of friends long time ago (boys and girls). My female friend was there and her boyfriend too (he hanged out with the group but wasn't originally our friend). It was summertime we were in a marina and then this guy around our age (we're in our mid twenties) comes near use to do something. He was shirtless an was the kind of guy you know girls will die for. My female friend was looking at the guy in a way you could tell she was having sex with him in her mind. I felt awkward. Now, her boyfriend took it badly. Looks like he saw the same thing that I saw. He didn't say anything right there. But my friend came to me later that day, worried he wanted to break up over that. I guess she was looking for some empathy from me but I had a honesty outburst and told her how she looked while looking at the guy. She admitted she actually liked the guy but cheating on her boyfriend never crossed her mind. They didn't break up but I think the guy felt insecure after that. And probably he got over that so many yearsa after.
00 Reply382 opinions shared on Dating topic. Maybe she’s trying to make you jealous or just having fun because you have a weird reaction when she says that
Or she’s expecting you to be a little more possessive but in a cute way.
Which you should be doing as it is.
Ultimately: it’s not weird but it’s worth trying to find out why she does it00 Reply- 7 d
Hmm, I don’t know if you can find so many people attractive. I mean I know that’s not how it works for me.
I mean just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you don’t find people attractive, but if it’s all the time, then yeah I’d be a bit peed, especially if they were making a thing of it, not to mention disrespectful.10 Reply It’s human nature to find other people attracted when you’re in a relationship.
22 Reply- Asker8 d
But I am surprised she tells me some conventionally ugly guys are attractive
- 8 d
Attraction isn't a choice. You don't choose to find someone attractive, you just do. Getting into a relationship doesn't just suddenly make everyone else in the world unattractive.
10 Reply 324 opinions shared on Dating topic. It is, in my opinion. People are attractive. Doesn't mean she is interested in them. I'd think the same goes the other way?
01 Reply- Asker6 d
Yeah, she finds them attractive but she is not interested in them
- 7 d
Most as in she finds most men she comes across attractive? If that's the case, I would say that it's a bit weird.. Maybe she just doesn't have a high standard for physical attractiveness..
02 Reply- Asker6 d
Yeah. I do not think she cares that much about looks. One of her exes was more handsome than I am to be honest, but the other one was not
- 6 d
True, well she seems to especially like men I suppose.. Maybe she has am appreciation for men like men do for women or she could just have a high sex drive..
7 dmost? what's her type?
breathing ones?11 Reply- Asker6 d
She is like a guy who thinks most girls are beautiful. She finds most guys handsome. She thinks like a guy
- 7 d
Is it normal that you look at most women and think they look pretty good? Maybe she's just not hyper critical or saying a guy is handsome is a gesture of politeness for her.
02 Reply- Asker6 d
It is, but that s how men are hardwired
- 6 d
And you've been trained to think women aren't hardwired to do the same thing? Time to wake up and grow up. Women are not those sweet flowers they've led you to believe. They are just as horny and raunchy as we are. There's nothing wrong with that. You just need to let go of the myth you've been fed your entire life and start looking at women as people.
- 7 d
I don't know about most, but a lot of people are attractive. But I know my SO on the inside as well and that alone makes him stand out over all the others.
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)7 d
Trust is a two way street. When paired with respect, the person doesn't allow situations, behavior or actions that can lead to questioning that trust...
10 Reply - 7 d
I find some men are handsome, vut attractive not really.
00 Reply Don’t you look at attractive women? Don’t hold it against her — she’s just looking.
00 Reply- 7 d
You are in the girl's life and this is not normal
10 Reply - 8 d
No unless she acts on her attraction. She's a girl, and girls ogle hot boys almost as much as we lads eye chesty lasses.
10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)8 d
I'm Indian and I don't find most of the Indian guys attractive. Same goes for Chinese & African guys.
00 Reply - 8 d
Same way you're probably wandering your eyes 👀
00 Reply - 8 d
Of course it's normal she's a woman and is into men, now if she went and did something behind behind your back with another man then that's wrong
00 Reply - 8 d
That's weird lol I don't see how someone can find most people attractive.
01 Reply - 7 d
I guess so but MOST?
00 Reply 1.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. She's got the old wandering eye, watch out
10 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)8 d
How does she look
04 Reply- Asker8 d
She is really pretty
- Opinion Owner8 d
And u?
- Asker8 d
Very fit
- 8 d
Then enjoy
- 7 d
She wants group sex orgy
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