Yes, but depends on their reason why they did it.
Yes, their past relationship has nothing to do with their relationship.
No, I don't care for their reason they did it.
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He'd lose me after "Yeah, I cheated, but... Wait. Stop. Hold up.
If a person believes there's any legitimate reason to cheat, it's over. If they are done with the relationship, they can end it and then move forward with a clear conscience. That's an honest response. But to stay in the relationship and lie about their faithfulness is a fundamental character problem that I couldn't put up with, personally. I mean, people are flawed and imperfect and that's to be expected, but there are some things that are dealbreakers with zero tolerance. Cheating is one of them.
Yes, if her and I were attracted to each other and enjoyed spending time together , her past wouldn’t bother me that much , I wouldn’t rush into a relationship with her , but I would still date her and get to know her and have fun with her. Her past is her past just like everyone of us has a past that we can’t change , but we can change for the better moving forward. I would definitely ask her why she cheated on her ex and what pushed her to do it and hear her reason for it. If I feel she is being honest and she regrets making that decision, and regrets what she did , then I would understand and not hold that against her. No one is perfect , we all make mistakes one way or another. The fact that she was honest about it , actually makes her a better person to me. It’s the ones that can’t be honest you have to stay clear from , the ones that act like they do nothing wrong is the ones I stay clear from
Yes, absolutely! In fact, I would consider it a positive if she cheated on her ex.
We have evolved for polyandry, where one woman has multiple husbands. Because of this, a woman who is forced to be in a monogamous relationship (by society’s rules that tell us she is “bad” for wanting to be with more than one man), she will always feel a desire to be with another man.
Since society doesn’t allow this, the healthiest adaptation is for her to cheat. So when a woman cheats, it’s a sign of mental and psychological health, and a healthy sexuality, and a positive thing.
my answer haven't changed since the last week :D
Would you trust someone who said they cheated in their last relationship?
It would be really hard to seriously date someone whose cheated. Now has she genuinely repented? Does she genuinely feel bad? Maybe we could see where it goes but no promises
Yes, but it depends on our current relationship. We can't change the past, though we can learn from it. What's more important, though, is the present and the future.
No probably not.. since why would they stay loyal to me?
I did like a guy who said he cheated because she cheated on him, but it just shows immaturity and spitefulness in wanting to hurt someone. Plus he was hoeing around so I lost interest after a while..
Depends. I'd want to hear circumstances, and think about what thought could come from a relationship with yhem.
At least I'd know I won't be giving kids with any future partners, so don't have to be that cautious. Could date them for some short term fun. Would take a lot to trust them fully
Other, I'd find it hot that they would cheat, as long as the reason was a much bigger dick than their boyfriend and the small dick boyfriend couldn't handle it, it could be a match made in heaven if she was into me watching and having sloppy seconds,,,
Nope, I would not. I have the "once a cheater, always a cheater" mindset. That is a no go for me.
I would advise everyone on Earth to never commit to them. They are forever not relationship material.
No I wouldn't ever be able to fully trust them if your able to do it once you will do it again there us never a good reason to cheat
why is that even a question? there never be a justification for cheating
No I won’t be other person. And chance they keep cheating next thing you know you’s get an std.
I would say yeah.. If she had shown remorse for doing, and didn't give herself excuses.. Especially if she's honest enough to disclose that info to me..
No. A cheater is a cheater.
Maybe if she was hot and all I wanted from the relationship was sex.
What would keep them from cheating on me? Plus, I value character.
I would because I don't mind if the women I date have sex with other guys
I'd have no problem with it at all.
Abd consider it long term material? Nope.
No, Not running the risk.
no way a cheater always a cheater
It really depends
nope, once a cheater always a cheater
Definitely not a good sign!