If let's say someone you date asks. Why or why not?
- 8 d
Yes, I had to be. For a long time I was ashamed of my body count but then I met my Husband. We moved in together and started having plans to get married. One day my Husband who was my boyfriend at that time asked me the question and I lied out of shame. We would have conversations here and there and he started noticing some inconsistencies in my story. It got to a point where I couldn’t lie anymore. I’m not a bad person and I’m not a liar but I lied because I was ashamed I thought he wouldn’t accept me or wouldn’t want to move forward with me if he knew the truth. But he told me he’d rather Love me for who I am than being in Love with the idea of who I am. It wasn’t easy he made me deal with lots of unresolved issues from my past that I didn’t accept about me. I also told him about how I was sexually assaulted and how at that time I didn’t realize what had happened to me. I was so relieved after telling him everything. He saved me and he’s the only person that knows the All of me. If there’s potential in your relationship to become more than just dating your Partner deserves to know the truth.
12 Reply- 6 d
@Sunrising one of the things I told him was 'if you expect me to be this honest with you you also have to be completely honest and transparent with me about everything. This can't be a one sided thing' we've had many conversations on this topic since then.
Most Helpful Opinions
- Anonymous(30-35)9 d
I was embarrassed of my number (not sure why) so I added an extra one. My number was 1 and people used to make fun of me for it so I started telling people that I’ve been with 2 people.
00 Reply
2.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes, I am honest about it the same way I expect her to be honest to me. Keeping secrets only hurts yourself and can hurt your partners’ feelings as well if they find out the truth that you were lying to them , so it’s best just to be honest with someone that you like and are very interested in. I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship based off of lies period. If a girl can’t accept my past , then she isn’t the girl for me whatsoever. Accepting each others’ pasts and flaws is what makes love grow between 2 people , if you can’t be honest with each other , you have nothing together whatsoever, , just convenience but you definitely do not have Love for each other. Whoever the liar is in the relationship can have that relationship all by themselves because all they care about is themselves.
20 Reply
- 10 d
women always under-state their count
men always over-state their count
I don't even ask, and if it bothers you personally that your partner has slept with other people before you, then perhaps you need to find a cult or religion (what's the difference?) that values virginity, which is stupid. It doesn't matter. Just be safe and clean, that's what matters. Use birth control if you don't want to have a debt-prison attached to you for next 18+ years.
Frankly, I'd rather have the high count person, for these reasons:
1. They have more experience and know wtf they are doing, usually.
2. They have fewer inhibitions and don't get all squirrely when you ask for something even marginally kinky.
3. They tend to have better communications overall
12 Reply- 9 d
I agree with you. I always prefer women with a high body count. - 9 d
As a 32 year old with a body count of 2 - yea, I get that often when seeking new dating partners. They either think i am lying, or I suck in bed, since I haven't done anything "out of the norm" sorta speak. My first boyfriend of 8 years and I, we were long distance so it didn't happen often enough for us to truly experiment or find eachothers fetish/k1nks, etc.
My second boyfriend was not very patient in helping / teaching me (he was into bdsm soft) and I had literally no knowledge of what to do. He would continue to get angry that I had no experience and would do "traditional" missionary.
I don't do hookups or anything, so i've asked my male pals for help to understand and as teachers lmao - thankfully they are really chill about it and once they understood WHY i was asking, i learned quite a lot educational wise, but putting it into the physical aspect is something i have yet to experience yet.
Lessons learned in time i guess!
What Girls & Guys Said
- 10 d
Yep, always honest. It's interesting though. The only time anyone has asked me my body count is here on GaG, a few times a month. None of the women I ever dated brought up body count, nor have any of my male friends.
21 Reply- 8 d
This ^^^
- 9 d
I'm 32 and I have been with 2 people. My first long term boyfriend of 8 years, and a second boyfriend of 1.5 years.
I do get tested each year, however I've only ever used proper protection (condom always) so I have no intent to be misleading about it.10 Reply - 9 d
I would say the number is nunya. Nunya business. But if it were someone I was in a serious relationship with, or at least the start of one, I would definitely be honest about it. Better to hear it from the horse's mouth than some sow's behind. Oh wait, I don't have anything to tell. 😎
10 Reply - 9 d
I'm pretty honest about it. It's in the 100k range and that's because I have a hooker habit. Real girls that I got without paying is more in the 100's range. I'm dead sexy and face to face I'm confident I could get any girl here to suck my dick even when they say they would never do that. Just is what it is... I got abs and shit.
00 Reply - 9 d
I have always warned people interacting with me that if they think they aren’t going to like the answer then they shouldn’t ask the question. Best bet, if one of you isn’t willing to get a doctor to test for STDs and share the results, the other should run for the hills.
00 Reply 404 opinions shared on Dating topic. Funny enough I used to be ashamed when that number was 0 or very low.
Right now my count is higher than I ever thought it would be.
But somehow Im not proud of that either.
End of the day it’s all in the past so long as you don’t have access to it.
And right now I have access to exactly 0 of my exes
But if a woman asked me for my stat sheet Im gonna ask for hers right back00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)10 d
Its dumb topic because truth is NOBODY has a low body count anymore. friends with benefits, situationhips, hookups, casual sex is trending like crazy right now. Its the very same people who sleep around that obsess over body count and act like they never heard of a situationhip
219 Reply- 10 d
- Opinion Owner9 d
I am 100% willing to bet you have high body count too - Opinion Owner9 d
No man has low body count nowadays. If he does, it usually mean he is either 1 of two things. He is either a religious church boy or he's super ugly - Opinion Owner8 d
because i know from experience it tends to be the ones who sleep around that laugh at women based on body count. - 8 d
Well Ms Opinion owner krub..
Let me tell you ( admittedly years ago ) , I was seeing this little single mother , all seemed okey , not slutty at all , only red flag 2 kids to 2 different fathers , I never asked BC , then one day out of the blue , it came up and she said ( seriously ) 155 ... I gotta be honest , I freaked out ( inside myself ) and it did change everything.
I'm old , so it is a little different ( but I was faithful every time in marriage and relationships )
And I would not fess up to the actual number if asked straight up , as I know it would make me seem like a Slut , but I had access to all this stuff that some others didn't. - Opinion Owner8 d
though i am way younger than you, i have been around... i've seen many things and thats how i know... that is also the same reason why i am so right about things. - Opinion Owner7 d
how was i so right about you?
- Opinion Owner7 d
im only 29. - Opinion Owner7 d
you probably knew nothing at 29. people were more sheltered back then - Opinion Owner7 d
life was easier back then. easier to make a living, provide for your family, easier to find a date, easier to get married. people were nicer back then.
nowadays, its the total opposite - Opinion Owner7 d
not all old people are honest. especially someone like you
335 opinions shared on Dating topic. Depends on what you see as body-count. I've only had penetrative sex twice, one of which wasn't by decision - I'm not sure if I'd be willing to mention that in the first few weeks of dating, though.
00 Reply1.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. No , in the scenario you describe , I would not be honest , I would gloss over most and explain away a " Core " , and then say " But yeah I am $%# s years old " , we make mistakes.
00 Reply1.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. I would not be honest about it lol even tho my body count is only one some people view that as a bad thing
31 Reply- 8 d
If this person views it as a bad thing then that person is not very good for you.
Find someone who likes/loves you the way you are. Better than keeping track of secrets.
- 9 d10 Reply
- 10 d
Yes since I don't do shit that will disgrace my honour lol. Unless I love a man or at least see some sort of future with him he has no right to touch me.
14 Reply- 10 d
So whats your body count
- 10 d
@Bklynbadboy12 Two.
- 10 d
@Bklynbadboy12 What is yours? lol
- 9 d
I'd have to tell you that in private
- 9 d
The older you are the less meaningful this concern gets. I've never even asked my girlfriend of 4 years and she's never asked me. It's kind of irrelevant once you have had children.
00 Reply - 9 d
I don’t even know my body count , and have answered that way when asked. It’s just not something I have ever tracked 😝 or cared about really. I know it’s more than 50 and probably less than 100
00 Reply Never. A man will hold it against you, possibly become insecure and see you differently.
21 Reply- 9 d
I have nothing to hide... all my choices were conscious... so... I'm very honest :D
but in Europe... no one cares about it :D10 Reply - 9 d
If someone asks, yes. But no one ever brought it up on a date. They're more interested in other relationships than a fling on a Tuesday afternoon or something.
00 Reply 390 opinions shared on Dating topic. I'm honest about my body count. My body count is 4 so I feel comfortable to be able to share because my body count is pretty low compared to the average man
02 Reply- 9 d
If they don't want to know then they shouldn't ask.
20 Reply - 10 d
I’d probably lie because the only people who would ask this are ones who’d hold it against you and publically shame you
22 Reply- 9 d
Not really. I'll often ask, and I prefer women with a lot of experience. But I'm probably a bit of an exception.
2.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes, because i have no clue, so that's what I tell them.
That and it's pretty high.
I never kept track over the years, who knew that there would be a test?
00 Reply- 9 d
Absolutely not. There's really no benefit cus uour body count is part of your past, and if they are asking they probly can't handle a truthful answer.
00 Reply - 9 d
I never give an exact body count, but I don't lie, either.
Not very many women ask for one, though.
00 Reply - 7 d
Yes we both are honest about our hoe phase lol and even talk about our old tinder dates lol
10 Reply I’d be honest. Why hide your past. It wasn’t illegal. It was a series of mutually enjoyable sexual interactions.
00 ReplyYes I am. It's quite a lot though. Although at first I thought women would be turned off by the number of women I've been deep inside of. But in reality it's actually a positive.
00 Reply4K opinions shared on Dating topic. Since my "body count" - a truly revolting term - is only 5, yes, I am honest about it.
00 Reply- 9 d
Yes because i honestly lost track after 9 or 10.
00 Reply 13.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. People keep count?
00 ReplyI would never ask, I've never asked, I don't know why it matters.
01 Reply- 9 d
My wife thinks she's had about 700 guys total, and perhaps 300 or so since we married
10 Reply - 10 d
Yes. It's nothing to be ashamed of or hide from a potential lover. It's entirely irrelevant - girl or guy!!
00 Reply - 9 d
Yeah, I'll be honest with mine if asked.. If even it's hesitantly..
00 Reply - 8 d
Yeah, because I have nothing to hide. Also, I don't know the exact number.
00 Reply 5.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. I've never been asked but if I was asked I wouldn't give them a number but would instead tell them it's none of their business.
00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)9 d
anyone else wonder if a bodycount is just a way to verify how perverted or slutty you are?
00 Reply 22.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)9 d
Not anymore. I don't lie I just don't answer. I always used to be straight up honest. But a woman taught me that is bad move.
10 Reply 398 opinions shared on Dating topic. Of course, I've only had sex with 1 guy and it was 3 times
16 Reply- 8 d
@Sunrising maybe sex wise lol but I've done plentiful sexual activities that aren't sex
- 7 d
@Sunrising oral, foreplay and a lot more 😏
5.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. The amount of people who think it's okay to start a relationship off with a lie is wild.
00 Reply- 9 d
1. I've never been asked.
2. I never ask.
3. I do not know the exact number.00 Reply - 9 d
I would be as honest as I could. I've banged so many women, I've lost count.
00 Reply 340 opinions shared on Dating topic. I would be honest even though the number is greater than I would like to admit.
00 Reply- 10 d
It’s between 0 and 2 but I will sometimes say it’s 50
00 Reply - 10 d
I think most of the girls will hide it exempt Kelly.
10 Reply - 9 d
Yes I’m honest about it but I really don’t see the big deal in body counts
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)10 d
I try to be, but I always ask what they consider worth counting. Manual stimulation? Oral stimulation? Anal stimulation? People will have different numbers for which of these three that you include.
00 Reply 708 opinions shared on Dating topic. yea i'm honest
20 Reply- 10 d
feel like it's weird to hide that
20 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)10 d
Oh I already know all the skank guys my ex was with which is why I would never touch her
00 Reply - 8 d
sure. i don't see why anyone would lie about it.
00 Reply - 10 d
Yes, but no one ever asked me in real life.
00 Reply - 8 d
Im always honest.
00 Reply - 8 d
Yes. It's 2. I have nothing to hide
00 Reply - 9 d
I don't date anymore but I'm honest about my 2
10 Reply - 10 d
Yes I don't got one, that's the truth
07 Reply- 10 d
@ChicoFromThe305 liar i can see you getting women
- 10 d
I can pull women I'm not denying that, I don't do hookups tho
- 10 d
So of all your gfs you never slept with one
- 10 d
I've only had one girlfriend and it didn't last long at all, I've got high standards, I want to lose my virginity to virgin, unfortunately many women went virgins
- 10 d
- 10 d
Why do you care if she's a virgin, women care more about if ur exp enough to slay her
- 10 d
Cause I wanna marry a woman, I just believe theirs a healthy bond that will grow from two virgins making love, their only experience is each other, does that not sound healthy?
- 9 d
How can I not, it's zero lol O
00 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. I’m always honest
20 ReplyYes. It’s a pretty reasonable count for my age
00 Reply- 10 d
No, but she wouldn't believe me either
01 Reply- 10 d
ok, clearly I would lie so she doesn't feel like she's with a pathetic loser and loses all interest. But they also can tell im unfuckable.
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