Immediately after breaking up with them?
Why do guys text their exes?
Immediately after breaking up with them?
This isn't just a guy thing. We all have trouble letting go of our exes sometimes. There is history and a desire for attention. Usually when the relationship is finally over, it's much easier to forget the bad and remember the good of it. Over time if it's completely platonic and talking is rare, I wouldn't get too freaked out. Immediately after a breakup though? I'd stay away. You could be a rebound.
I am the ex he broke up with and he has a new girlfriend who he started dating 2 weeks later. I am pretty sure she is just a rebound and he has been texting me pretty much since the day after we broke up. it's been almost a month and he is still texting me. They're pretty innocent texts with a hint of flirtation
He's not entirely over it. Although I will warn you, having you there at his electronic bidding is helping him with the getting over you/dating someone new process. It gives him that feeling that he didn't completely screw it up, and that he can date her and still have contact with you. If you're looking to get him back, cutting off contact completely is necessary. That's the only way he can miss you and decide whether he really wants you back or not. If you keep going as is, he'll never go back
we have some unfinished business to tend to. we have cats and joint bank accounts, so once we take care of all of that, I am going AWOL. I've hardly responded but I have caved a little. but I will definitely take your advice
It all depends on the guy but it sounds like its sex.
I'm a guy and I don't text are want to be friends with My x. For those that do there can be many reasons from missing the other to wanting to keep the other around in case things don't go right with there next girlfriend. Some mite care about how you feel while others mite want to know your hurting so they can try and feel better about themselves.
how can you tell which one of those possibilities it is?
Well, I think lots of people do this. Sometimes, people have a hard time letting go. Also, in relationships, it's easy to second guess yourself.
what do you mean its easy to second guess yourself?
even if the guy has a new girlfriend (most likely a rebound)?
good to know. I am just going to continue being distant and not give him too much attention and try to move on. But I think he misses me.
Please don't assume we all do that.
I broke off my engagement because she wouldn't drop her exes.
I don't talk to exes, I don't keep up with them. It's over and done.
I can't stand there always being some other dude who screwed my girl in constant contact with her when she's with me.
i didn't mean to offend anyone. I didn't mean why do ALL guys do it, I meant...when guys do it, what is the reason? My ex is texting me a lot and trying to be friendly and I just want to know why
Prob to get some.
He has as girlfriend. So no I don't think so
I never did... guess you had some guys who were possessive to the point that thy wanted to control you even though you were broke up...
To get someone good good.
i have told him, several times. and then he sends me a sentimental picture or text randomly and when I don't respond to things he says stuff like "its okay to respond and have a brief conversation you know" or he will send like 3 more texts. Like today he text me three or four times and then thanked me for a gift I bought him for Christmas and ended up giving him like a month ago (right before we broke up) which he already thanked me for giving him so it was totally unecessary.
because they still want sex.
No my ex has a new girlfriend. Yet he won't stop blowing up my phone and sends like 5 texts in a row when I don't respond.
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