My sister is 15 and she's finishing her freshman year in high school. She's also shy, but not near as shy as me. She has made a lot of friends and I'm scared she's going to get a boyfriend and have her first kiss before me.
This is all hitting me now that I wasted about 2 months hanging out with this guy I thought was going to end up being my boyfriend. As dumb as it sounds, I've been waiting to meet a really good guy to be my first kiss because I know I'll regret it if I kiss some jerk. And he did end up being a jerk. I could've been talking to other guys, but I just focused on him. I've learned my lesson there, but I'm still afraid my little sister is going to have her first kiss before me. I'm so worried about this.
My sister's guy friends hit on me and my 17 year old brother's friends tell him I'm pretty and my friends say I'm pretty, but it's gotten me nowhere (not that I'd go out with a 17 year old lol). I don't know what to do. I really want my first kiss to be special, but at the same time I just want to kiss someone so I will have done it before my sister. Someone please tell me something to make me feel better. I don't really know what I'm asking.
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