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Questions: Dating

3 d

Does this mean she likes me?

Been talking to this girl for a couple months. She invited me to smoke with her and said she would love to see me high. I needed an excuse to get out of the house so my parents wouldn't suspect anything to which she...
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3 d
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3 d

Should we see a family mediator/therapist?

If I have a bad relationship with my mom, should I consider seeking a family mediator or therapist to help it out?
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3 d
Or a truck
Beat up old
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4 d
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4 d
Other (see comment)
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4 d

Girls, asked a girl out, and she asked if we could talk in person about it?

I asked a girl out who I met at a part-time job recently (after talking for like 2ish months), and she responded with "hey can we talk in person"? I said no as I explicitly asked for a "yes or no", and my female friends...
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4 d

How do you know if a girl is developing feelings?

Been seeing this girl since February. After about a month, she said she didn't have feelings for me, but was interested in exploring the possibility of a relationship with me. Three months later, and we've been in a...
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4 d
I don't know if maybe If he have good physique
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4 d

What is the best way to tell a female friend that I like her?

We have been friends for 10 months She is shy but brave to fight it I am shy but I am starting to come out of my shell We talk about love and relations and send each other cat memes and we read books about...
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4 d

My Coworker gave me her number without me asking, what does that mean?

I work with this lady at my job., She’s real sweat, smart, and caring…, We always talk to one another about things such as food, travel, movies, family, and etc, but we never talk about relationships…One day she asked me...
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We have strong chemistry but I found this out?

her ex husband caught her texting another guy. should I end things with this girl
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4 d

Is this offensive and a waste?

So after my 2 year ended because she wanted to break up I felt it was a waste because that was 2 years of fully investing myself that went nowhere and ultimately that’s time I can’t get back. I vocalized this when we were...
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Why are there so many single mothers?

From 50 years ago, we never have seen single mothers... Yes here 2024 + we have so many single parents that it's not even funny... What's the deal with women having kids with men who are so broken and screwed up? Are...
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