Why do men reject kind women who love them because they are ugly and get surprised when they get dumped when they are ill?

anyone else hears storied of hot men who go out with hot girls then they get cancer and get dumped. its sad but if they picked the ugly...

What would you do if your partner doesn’t have much interests of hobbies?

Like if they don’t get involved with any activity other than work e. g painting, learning a language, 5k events and volunteering

Dealing with a guy who has now ghosted me twice?

This guy is my brother’s best friend, and the first time we ever met we connected. Now at that point I was in a relationship and we just...

My boyfriend said he hated his girlfriend?

My boyfriend was playing the game with his friends, while I was on the game too. He said to his friends that he hated his girlfriend and...

Whats the best way to tell a female freind I need space for awhile?

Went on a few dates this girl then she decided it's best we just be freinds. Since then we have become really good freinds. She's since...

Who do White women match up best with dating-wise and ethnically?

Like White men, Black men, Asian men, Hispanic men, etc etc

How often do you text your partner?

My guy and I only text when we’re done with our days (at night) and sometimes a little bit in the middle of the day when we both have...
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Is this an interracial relationship?

I am a Caucasian male (old white boy) dating a Chinese woman. I don't have yellow fever. I saw her on zoosk, I messaged her, and here we...
24 43

GUYS: Is he retreating because of stress or slow fade/ghosting me?

I’ve been seeing a guy for some time and the energy was great in the beginning- he was really into spending time with me. However, the...

Is my philosophy unattractive? Minimum effort = maximum satisfaction?

Minimum effort = maximum satisfaction.
2 0

Between two extremes, would you rather date an Albino or a Melanistic person?

I don't really care for skin color/hair color/eye color, but if I HAD to choose, I'd say Melanistic, as some Black girls are pretty...
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Guys would you date a girl who was 5”10 or not?

Please give reasons!
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