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+1 y

Supporting the LGBTQAI Community in the Workplace

Thanks for sharing. People, q stands for queer, I stands for intersex, and a stands for asexual, aromantic, and agender. Education & Career

+1 y

Why I Think Women and Men Can't Be "Just Friends"

"They flirt with each other" I see that happening quite often. Even if it's a joke (or whatever the hell they like to call it), it's still flirting. That has made me feel quite uncomfortable... Society & Politics

+1 y

10 Common Cognitive Distortions that Contribute to Negative (or Positive) Thinking

Many people don't realize it when they engage in these cognitive distortions. And even if you point it out to them, they usually would deny it. Health & Fitness

+1 y

The Enigma of the Psychological Medical Fields and Mental Institutions

They have a bad reputation and the stigma prevents some people from getting help. I know someone who's been to a mental hospital a few years ago. He was put in a straitjacket and a nurse stole his... Other

+1 y

Why Guys DO Lift for Women I do it for myself Health & Fitness

+1 y

Top GAG Related Fears

1. Only my brother knows I have an account on here and he has a GAG account as well. It's our secret and we'd never tell anyone else about it. That's why I'd never have my photo up on here and I... G@G Community

+1 y

Alphas & Betas Exist

Yeah, it's kinda ridiculous how some people, especially users on here, try to deny that alphas and betas exist. It may be a "social construct" but it still exists even though there are no written... Society & Politics

+1 y

Giving myTakes an Upgrade: Introducing myReviews!

I'll find something to write a myReview about. G@G Community

+1 y

The Myth of An Attractive Girl With Bad Personality

People think attractive guys have bad personalities too. I wonder where the hell people get their assumptions from. I'm assuming it's jealousy because I met a lot more unattractive people with... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Reasons Why Homosexual Marriage is Wrong and Should NOT be Accepted

You don't have to accept gay marriage. You're allowed to think it's wrong. But you can't force everyone else to not accept it and I doubt anyone takes your "reasons" seriously. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Why Is Adoption Not on the Table?

People are more likely to be nicer to their own biological children than some adopted child. This is also true for animals too. Most people have this instinctive drive to have their own children.... Family & Friends

+1 y

Things Not to Say to Someone Who Is Bisexual

"Bisexuality doesn't exist" It's weird how someone decides to think that a sexuality doesn't exist because you can't prove or disprove how a person feels. It's not tangible evidence. "It's... Other

+1 y

Why Men And Women Can’t Be “Just Friends”!

"A “JUST friend” is someone you have a close friendship with, who does NOT have any desire to have a romantic or sexual relationship with you." It sucks that a lot of people blur the lines... Relationships

+1 y

Why I Don't Believe Catcalling is Such a Big Deal

When I get catcalled, I feel objectified and annoyed 100% of the time because I'm aromantic and asexual. But I never feel scared because I'm not physically susceptible to getting hurt by them.... Society & Politics

+1 y

My Experience With "Fetlife" and What I Think of It

So it's basically like GAG, but more diverse. Technology & Internet

+1 y

Man Up: Boys Shouldn't Cry And Real Men Don't Cry

I don't exactly know why it's so hard for me to cry. It's either because of my high testosterone level or it's my social programming since I was a child or both. Either way, I don't care. It's not... Society & Politics

+1 y

What's in AP's bag continued...

I just carry a wallet and put everything in my pockets. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Why I Don't Consider Myself a Nice Guy 🙄

I don't consider myself a nice person either. From what I've seen you write, you do seem like a good person. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Dating: Muslim Style

Don't worry, you would eventually find someone. Dating

+1 y

You Think We Don't Need Feminism Anymore? Have I Got the Rant For You...

Yes, feminism is still needed all around the world. Anyone who thinks that it's not needed is beyond me. Society & Politics

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