Things Not to Say to Someone Who Is Bisexual

Most of y'all don't need to hear this. I'm sure a majority of you already know the things i'm about to say. But I still hear/see people say these things sometimes. Being bisexual myself I even hear some of this from my own family. Sooo this is just to educate the small percentage of people who still say these.

It's also a reminder to stop acting like you know about OTHER people's sexuality or feelings. That's one of the most annoying things. When someone (who is straight) tries to educate you and tell you you're wrong about your own sexuality. Stay in your lane.

Things Not to Say to Someone Who Is Bisexual

I don't know why but I felt the need to add a gif of my girls Alex and Piper.

"Bisexuality doesn't exist"

Yeah it does, bye.

That's all I have to say. Who are you to say that someone else's feelings are fake? Just because you may not understand it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I hate when people say that.

"I don't understand why someone would be bi"

"I don't understand why someone would be gay"

So because you aren't gay and you don't feel that way towards the same sex, that means it's IMPOSSIBLE for anyone else to feel that way?

No bitch, everyone's different.

"It's just a phase"

(Or "you're just confused")

Yes, people go through phases. Especially if we're talking about teenagers or young adults in college. I'm sure all of us know someone who was like "oh i'm bi" one day and then they were like "Oh nevermind" the next. So yes, I think it is possible to have a 'bisexual phase' or be a little bi-curious.

But it's not a phase for everyone.

It's especially annoying when you've called yourself bi for fucking years and people still insist that you'll "grow out of it"

I've liked guys since I was 12. I'm turning 20 in two months. Don't you think I would of grown out of a "phase" from when I was 12 by now?

Things Not to Say to Someone Who Is Bisexual

I love puns.

"Being bisexual is trendy right now"

Sexuality isn't a trend. Clothes are trendy. Shoes are trendy. Hairstyles are trendy.

I feel saying "being bi is trendy" is another way to invalidate people's sexuality and make it seem people are only bi because it's the cool thing to do.

It's not cool. It's a regular everyday thing. If you think lying about being bi makes you cool and makes you fit in, you're an idiot. Be yourself. A sexuality shouldn't make you cool...

Things Not to Say to Someone Who Is Bisexual

"You're bi to get attention"

I think this one is usually said to women. Some people assume girls say they're bi because they think guys will find it attractive. Are there girls who have done that? yeah. Are there girls who have kissed other girls so they can draw attention. Definitely. But it's 100% not the case with every bisexual woman there is.

Not to mention there is more bad attention that comes from it then good attention.

Things Not to Say to Someone Who Is Bisexual

"You're attracted to everyone?"

"You're in a relationship? But aren't you bi?"

"You're Greedy"

"All bisexuals cheat"

(and other things that suggest bisexuals need to be with multiple people)

I think this is the thing that I hear the most from people. People assume you can't be satisfied dating just one person. People think you NEED to be with both men and women to be happy.

When you're dating someone people actually get confused that you're committing to one person.

Or people just think you want to fuck everyone you see.

Being attracted to both genders doesn't mean you want them both at the same time. I'm perfectly happy and satisfied being with one person. I'm not into polygamy. I wouldn't even be interested in having a bi threesome (or of any kind) lol.

There ARE bisexuals who are polygamous but there are also gay and straight people who are too. It's not a bi only thing

Things Not to Say to Someone Who Is Bisexual

"You're too afraid to admit you're gay"

Lol no. I'm pretty sure that being bi is LESS accepted than being gay. Considering that people don't even think bisexuality exists, they think bi people are greedy, or that we're all cheaters, etc. There are even gay people who think these things and aren't accepting of bisexuals.

I know so many people (including most of my family) who are 100% okay with gay people but are not okay when it comes to bisexuals. Like my mom, she told me "If you're gay that's fine, but don't ever tell me you're bisexual"

Things Not to Say to Someone Who Is Bisexual

To end the myTake, here's a pun I heard today:

"I like both guys and girls but yet I still can't find someone to date"

"I guess you were just meant to be bi yourself"

Lol that was so fucking stupid. goodbye.

Things Not to Say to Someone Who Is Bisexual

I hesitated to click the "submit" button because I feel this sucks and has already been done before but whatever. I don't care.

Things Not to Say to Someone Who Is Bisexual
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