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Why Feminism Is No Longer What We Should Strive For

I used to call myself a feminist. And it makes sense why, there’s tons of issues regarding women we need to discuss and solve. I still think that feminism has been very valuable throughout history. To deny that is foolish, I mean, women wouldn’t even be able to vote or work without it. But, I...

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How to Attract Women (For Guys)

Yes, I’m aware that there are A LOT of takes about this. Am I still going to write mine? Fuck yeah. Let’s begin! 1.) Lookin’ good Attracting someone ALWAYS starts with looking the part. I don’t care how much someone says “i only care about personality!!”. If you don’t look ok, you’re going to...

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The World is a Wonderful Place, Yet We See Only Evil

Yes, people are starving, people are dying, there is a shit-ton of illnesses on this planet that anyone can get and humans are slowly destroying the earth. But it remains a world of wonders. There are billions of people that can do marvellous things, amazing things, actually. There's people...

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Guys; it's Not a Compliment!

"Women are more beautiful without make-up." He says. I turn around. What? First of all, women don't wear make-up to please or impress you. I know men like to think this, but it's just an irrational & egocentric thought that makes zero sense. I do not wake up in the morning thinking "oh, let me...

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Buying a Dog: Common Errors

Buying or adopting a dog is pretty much a blessing. Having the oppertunity to choose to take care of another being is quite special in my eyes. However, so many people seem to do it wrong. I hear you thinking, "how the fuck can someone buy a dog 'wrong'". Let me explain. There's a lot of...

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Dear America: Racism Against Blacks

Racism against black people has been a major issue for a few years now (a few decades actually, but a few years of media attention). And I'm glad, because black lives matter and things have been going out of hand for a long while. Which is unfortunate, since Obama had been such a good influence...

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10 Fun Date Ideas!

Seeing this MyTake got me thinking this list could be longer... So here we go! 1. Cook or bake something together Cooking a delicious meal or baking a nice cake together has these advantages: -Working together=closer bond -Talking during the process -It's a loose, fun activity -If you mess...

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5 Top Fashion Tips for Guys!

I know this might be weird coming from a girl, but since most guys complain that women have more choice in clothing and can be more stylish, I assume we're the perfect person to help. I actually really like male fashion and its 'simplicity', it provides you with so many options to do something...

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Why "Body Positivity" is Wrong Nowadays

Hear me out on this before you start commenting things. I love that we're trying to work towards accepting body types and are trying to change how we view people: instead of just seeing a body that looks 'hot' or 'ugly' etctera, we're starting to see beyond that and finding out there's so...

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What is Wrong With Strict Parenting and Why it Won't Work

Hi there. I'm a child, a teenager. Being a sixteen year old, I'm aware of the world's issues, but still not an adult (learning about these issues is the main reason teens are mad and sad). I've encountered all sorts of parents; strict ones, loose ones, fun ones, ones that are never around....

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Buying a Dog? Be Sure to Consider All the Options

I'm aware this myTake is a little bit of a weird topic to post on here.. But I think it deserves a spot because I deem it important. Too many people are buying dogs. This has always been a problem, but lately, with all the instagram posts and not to mention "puppy fever season", it's been...

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My Self-Improvement Bucket List

I'm always finding ways to improve myself and keep myself happy. These things aren't always easy - or cheap - but I do what I need to do to prevent myself from turning into a crying disaster. I thought it might be fun for others to read, so without further ado, here's my self-improvement bucket...

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How to Teach Yourself Any Language in the World

You might feel as though learning a language is hard, and it is, don't get me wrong here. Especially if you're American, and don't have to learn another language. In my country, you get taught a total of three languages, unless your school offers more. Therefore, I have some tips and experiences...

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Why I'm Strongly Against Veganism: I'm Tired of the Lectures, For One Thing

Let me start off by saying everybody has their beliefs and I accept you want to live by them. That's fine. This MyTake is not about me ranting- it's about me explaining my opinion. I know many vegetarians and vegans, all of whom have explained me why they live the way they do. One thinks it's...

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Why Are We Shaming the Model Physique?

It seems like nowadays, everything is "pro curves" and all about skinny shaming. Why do we do this? Why do we think shaming girls that look like this- Or this- Is totally acceptable but shaming women that looks like this isn't? I don't get it. People will tell you models are unhealthy and too...

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My Battle With Depression: Yeah, It Sticks To You

Most people assume people my age don't get depression. Hell, they're even suprised when you get sick because they assume young people can take so much. My first encounter with depression was at the tender age of 9, when boys started calling me "ugly". That continued to become worse, eventually...

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Mental Illnesses/Disorders, and How to Cope With People Who Have Them

Mental illnesses have been around for decades, killing people internally. It's an extremely difficult topic to talk about, but it must be done if you want to help the person. There are obviously many variations of mental illnesses, and each one requires a different approach. This myTake can only...

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Usage of the Word "Nigga"

Yes, I'm white. Yes, this is typical for a white person. It's been an issue for a certain amount of time, and sparked back up when the #blacklivesmatter movement started. Usage of the word "nigga". I've seen the many arguments of both sides. On which side am I? Let's say I'm the referee. In my...

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