Usage of the Word "Nigga"

Yes, I'm white. Yes, this is typical for a white person.

Usage of the word

It's been an issue for a certain amount of time, and sparked back up when the #blacklivesmatter movement started.

Usage of the word "nigga".

I've seen the many arguments of both sides. On which side am I? Let's say I'm the referee.

In my opinion, usage of the word "nigga" differs from usage of the word "nigger", but that doesn't mean "nigga" can't be used wrong. If you see a group of black people and yell 'niggers', that's racist.

If you have a black friend and you say 'what's up my nigga' while you don't say that to any of your white or Asian friends, that's racist.

However, if you use the word when singing along to songs, making a joke or greeting people, it's not racist to me. (Unless, like all things, you overdo it.)

I see that the word used to have a racist meaning to it and I get how that was hurtful to those who have experienced the pains and traumas of slavery. Treating an entire sub-race differently is not okay and should be punished. It's too late for justice to be laid upon those, but I'm glad things such as black history month have been created to somewhat be apologetic.

Just like the genocide Hitler comitted which is still thought of anually.

But slavery is never an acceptable argument to use in modern discussions about racism, for it doesn't exist anymore (to the knowledge of me/most)

Why do (some) black people, after all this history of racism, think it's okay to exclude whites of a word ?

Why do you feel the need to?

And the funny thing is, it's never about Asian people, or indian people, it's always white people that 'have done you wrong'.

And if you say here, well, bente, that's because whites enslaved our people! I can stop you there. Every race has once been enslaved or been the boss of slaves. Even blacks. Yes, even blacks. And Asians. And indians. And most commonly, whites.

So if you want 'us' to stop using the word, stop yourself. Tell it to the rappers. Either we all stop using it, or we're all 'allowed' to in a non-racist manner, with decency and friendship.

The world is already crappy, let's not fight over words while donals trump is this close to precidency, syrian refugees are still homeless and the terrorist attacks are through the roof.


*ps: I think it's very unique that most black people are so in touch with their sub-race heritage and I wish I could be. Just a thought that popped up. Thanks for reading!

Usage of the Word "Nigga"
Post Opinion