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7 mo

What's a body part you're weirdly attracted to?

Does wallet count? Jk 😂😂😂 I find wide shoulders very attractive too, as well as well-defined pecs. You can have definitely abs at any fitness level if you have low body fat, but muscular... Dating

7 mo

Do women like feminine looking men?

If that guy is "feminine" then y'all can keep whatever your definition of masculine is cuz I'm not complaining!! Dating

7 mo

Do women want to be strong and independent?

That's like asking if children like to go to school lol. Most hate it, but education is still important. Almost everyone, including men, would choose to just stay at home and chill if they could.... Girl's Behavior

7 mo

Women: have you ever caught your man looking at another woman?

There is a difference between seeing and looking. Sometimes men look at women without noticing that they are doing it which I don't mind but I don't excuse my partner looking at other women... Guy's Behavior

7 mo

How many countries have you visited?

I'm from Bangladesh, currently living in Canada as I moved for college. Other than those two countries, I've been to, in no chronological order (also, once unless mentioned otherwise): 1. India (3... Travel

7 mo

Do men like seeing women in Traditional Dresses?

Ethnic dresses are just more interesting and beautiful, so obviously they will be more eye-catching when you're in the middle of everyone else dressed in simpler and plainer clothing. Even if you... Fashion & Beauty

7 mo

What is the number one thing that works for you when you flirt?

Humor has always worked! Even if a guy may not necessarily care for a girl to be funny in general, it still has the secondary advantage of lifting up everyone's mood and making the experience very... Flirting

8 mo

Do you find darker skin people attractive too?

I am a Brown woman with medium-dark complexion and I haven't had a whole lot of issues with guys. Are there men who are prejudiced? Of course. But there are still enough men who are indifferent to... Dating

8 mo

If your partner demanded to see your phone would you show them?

I prefer keeping things to myself because I don't want my boyfriend looking into chats with my friends and finding out THEIR personal stuff. If I texted my friend something about myself that is... Relationships

8 mo

What do you consider a basic white girl?

As a brown girl who moved to a predominantly White city for college here are my observations: 1. Keeps up with pop culture 2. Regardless of how much makeup she wears, mascara or lash extensions is... Girl's Behavior

8 mo

Do you think it is a positive or a negative for a woman to be decisive?

I'm a very decisive person. I was once very indecisive but a lot of those thoughts would come from my self-doubts. I realized that often the extra time and energy wasted on the indecision is... Girl's Behavior

8 mo

Which is more important: what you say or how you say it?

How you say things can make a huge difference. It's definitely more important because we should be honest to ourselves and others. So if you're upset with someone you shouldn't have to worry about... Dating

8 mo

How old were you, when you got your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

It was a week before my 15th birthday. Dating

8 mo

Girls have you ever been rejected before?

Yeah they do. It literally happens to everyone who does approach people, pretty or not. What about it? Dating

8 mo

What spices and/or Flavoring should I add to canned black beans?

I'll be coming back for answers here because my broke college kid ass is trying to embrace canned food. Food & Beverage

8 mo

How do I ask for a girl's Instagram?

Instagram is my primary social media so I just directly ask them for it and let them know that's where I'm most active personally. If they don't have Instagram or they do but they aren't very... Flirting

8 mo

What are upsides and downsides of choosing to stay celibate while you are single?

Upside is that you are potentially saving yourself from a lot of hassle and heartbreak especially if physical intimacy makes you feel emotionally connected to someone. It is especially important... Relationships

8 mo

Why are white guys seen as the most attractive?

I don't know, I am Brown living in a predominantly White city and I don't find White guys more attractive than others. If anything I've gone on casual dates with some and I didn't feel much of an... Girl's Behavior

8 mo

What are some of your dating rules?

I never wear clothes or show pictures that show off my body until I am ready to sleep with him, which is ALWAYS after we are both sure that we like each other as people and find each other... Dating

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