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+1 y

The unresolved modern problems with men's fashion and it's 2020

Start watching men's style videos an you will be surprised how you actually have more options than you think. Also, you always have the option of starting a business of various men's products by... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Money and power gets women aroused! Young and beautiful women gets men aroused!

No one denies it though. What was the point of this myTake? Dating

+1 y

Women Dont Take Debate Philosophically, They Take it Personally

I guess the dude who called me a mega bitch for rejecting him with a straight up 'no' (while I had a boyfriend) was a woman after all. Because it's only women who would do something that petty, am... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

How to Make a Guy Your Boyfriend

Be old school but also pay for dates and open your legs... So which one is it? 💀 Dating

+1 y

7 Stupid Things Women Tell Men

"You're dating the wrong women" Some dudes tell me that about my relationship. As long as people saying such things aren't totally being unkind about it, there should be nothing wrong with it.... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Being the girl/woman that you are, NOT who someone else wants or things you should be.

I understand what you mean, but there is another side to the matter as well. Sometimes people might be genuinely willing to change themselves if they feel like it will be more beneficial for them... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

It's Time for Men to Be Just as Hypergamous as Women

Like men aren't enough hypergamous already leaving their wives after they birth his babies and her body changes so he decides he needs a new woman who is young and tight because this wife is old now. Dating

+1 y

Feminism, MGTOW, and What I Learned Playing Devils Advocate in MyTake

Dude deliberately says inflammatory things for the clout. Doesn't get the attention he wanted: "I was just playing devil's advocate and pretending the whole time hehe y'all salty" G@G Community

+1 y

The One Question Every Woman Hates that is More Important than Any Other

If some sketchy-ass chap showed up with (or without) a microphone asking me that question out of nowhere, the best case scenario would be me asking "Who TF are you?" If a guy asked that on a date... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Single Women Should Prioritize the Potential Partners Too! If not, they are Doomed to be Alone Forever.

If I was a single mom then anyone who told me that I need to prioritize my date of two days over my kids if I want to have a chance with him in my life, he's gonna get a smack in the face with my... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Raw Milk: Why it's amazing

@Battooot if you can find any raw milk source that goes through all that testing... Health & Fitness

+1 y

20 Cute Ways to Carry or Hold a Girl

Too small for the gender equality way, too weak for 16 and 17, too heavy for the rest. Fuck my life 🙃 Other

+1 y

Female Aesthetics, Ribs and Shoulders (fix)

Oh man I'm gonna become Arnold Schwarzenegger after this lockdown is over, thanks a lot :'D Health & Fitness

+1 y

Support According to Gender

Men get a lot more support than women in different ways. If a man becomes a single parent everyone's willing to help him but if it's a single mother instead people are rather happy to leave her... Society & Politics

+1 y

Remember Gentlemen, YOU are the prize

When you're told men are the prize but the only prize you get is unsolicited pics of their dong 🙃 Guy's Behavior

+1 y

The Failure of the Modern Female

I think people don't take as seriously how damaging the system of women-managing-everything-while-men-chill is. Men are raised and pampered by their mothers like big babies and sheltered from... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

10 Questions I've Been Asked About Ramadan By Non-Muslims (Part 2)

Man 😂 I also love my cup of tea (green tea, black tea and oolong tea) but I avoid it in Ramadan because it is a natural diuretic so it can increase the risk of dehydration. I used to be very... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

10 Questions I've Been Asked About Ramadan By Non-Muslims (Part 1)

Fasting does not impact your exam at all. Only your preparation does. I've given all my major exams so far (GCSE and A levels) all while fasting during Ramadan and it didn't affect my results at... Religion & Spirituality

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