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+1 y

What are your thoughts on gas prices right now?

Hey, no more orange man mean tweets right? That's the important thing. Thanks, Biden voters. Trending & News

+1 y

What do you think of the bill about carrying firearms without a permit in Georgia?

Darlin, I live in Georgia. I assure you--the bad people, especially in Atlanta where most of the crime is, are already carrying guns without a permit. Fulton County, Cobb, the bad parts of... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you think the Third World War could start?

the USA and Europe don't have the willpower to stop hordes of third worlders from invading. Fighting a full fledged military war against Russia is out of the question. Trending & News

+1 y

Do you consider Motherhood (being a stay at home mom) to be the most difficult job ever?

If a woman views taking care of her kids and being around them as a "job" then she shouldn't have reproduced haha. Raising your kids and your legacy isn't a "job." A job is what you do for money... Family & Friends

+1 y

Why do Liberals get offended at Jesus being represented as a blue eyed blonde haired man but not black Asian or native American Jesus?

The USA Left hates White people. So anything related to White people, they loathe and want to change. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

They say we should not date because of looks because beauty fades. Really?

Dating only based on physical attraction is moronic. Dating someone you're not physically attracted to is a recipe for the hotter partner falling in love and getting their coworker... Dating

+1 y

Why does it seem like nothing can debunk the left's narrative that the right is guilty of white supremacy?

The Left campaigns on "White people are evil, vote for us to overthrow them." No amount of facts will change that. Society & Politics

+1 y

The goddess Kali comes to Earth and demands that the US *MUST* elect a female president for 2024, no matter what. Who are you voting for?

Kali hasn't been able to made India a successful nation, so I think the USA will be able to dispatch her in roughly five minutes. No need for a female potus. Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you have a fast metabolism 🤔?

So so metabolism If you want a faster metabolism, drink plenty of water, exercise cardio regularly, and make sure you get proper vitamins and nutrients. Your thyroid needs specific nutrients... Health & Fitness

+1 y

When is the last time you felt sick?

I had covid early January. Sore throat for a few days, then extreme fatigue and felt terrible for two days, then recovery. Oh and we can't forget the night chills and sweating out a pint of water.... Health & Fitness

+1 y

What do you think of bad Christians who harass you with false views?

There's whack jobs in every group, you could post a video of a crazy trump supporter yelling at people and I can post a video of crazy BLM supporters screaming at cafe diners. It's life. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Why are more US states starting to lift mask mandates?

Fauci himself said healthy people don't need masks haha so why bother? It's like thinking your jeans will hold in a fart. Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you Agree with the Trucker Freedom Convoy in Canada or Do you Take Trudeau's side "This is an insult to truth?"?

Forced medical injections? Prior to 2021 that was something only Nazis and probably Stalin did. Society & Politics

+1 y

Is it turn off when a girl has some grey hair in her 20s? What can you do against premature grey hair?

1. Drink proper water and get lots of protein. 2. Make sure you get proper b complex vitamins and vitamin D in your diet and magnesium to counter stress. 3. My dad had a TON of gray hair and... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Which Movie Did You Like Recently Released?

Mortal Kombat was hot garbage. How do you mess up a plot that simple and make such a garbage movie? Free Guy was a fun carefree movie that left you feeling chipper afterwards. Black Widow... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

What's your opinion on stay at home moms?

If you like being at home mom kudos to you, go for it. My mom was a stay at home mom and lamented she gave up her career for us brats. Then when she resumed her job she hated the stress vs... Family & Friends

+1 y

Would you date someone with messed up teeth?

No I couldn't. It's a question of WTF is wrong with you that you didn't go fix your teeth, so what does that say about you. Dating

+1 y

Biden says George Floyd's death had a bigger impact than MLK"s death. Has he completely lost his little mind?

I love comparing white martyrs vs black martyrs. Like Trump talked about Kate Steinle, martyr of White People. An innocent woman shot dead on a pier in broad daylight by a convicted felon... Society & Politics

+1 y

What do you think about the movie "Don't look up"? Do you like it?

I feel like it was really poorly made, poor performances and script writing. Not to mention, Leonardo DiCaprio, who flies around in a private jet, is a really poor choice of someone to star... Entertainment & Arts

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