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1 y

Have you ever met someone that you wish you never did because they did you wrong or broke your heart in pieces?

I think everyone you love will one day, whether on accident or purpose, put a knife in you, maybe big or maybe small. Just life. I remember being so heartbroken and upset over Ana, twelve years... Relationships

1 y

Do you trust banks?

What's funny is I was just learning about Bank Bail Ins. Basically, if your bank has financial trouble, you become an unsecured creditor. So instead of the government bailing it out, the account... Other

1 y

Is it harder to find an attractive guy if you're older?

Logically yes. 1. As they get older, it's more likely attractive guys will be in relationships or married. 2. Older attractive guys will try to date younger, not their age. 3. younger women often... Dating

1 y

How Much of The Bible Should Be Part of American Laws?

Questions like these are interesting. The same people who scream in anguish over abortion restrictions, have no problem throwing people in prison for child support payments, or wishing to charge... Religion & Spirituality

1 y

Is it cheating if you're getting even?

If the person cheated and you're doing the same level (you can't hookup with someone if your partner merely sexted for ex) it's fair. Relationships

1 y

Why are the whites so quit to say "go back to your own country", when it's the white (euro-refugees) who are the "original illegal immigrants"?

Why are Africans and arabs so eager to wrongfully colonize Europe despite it being the homeland of Caucasian/white people? So even if White Americans went to Europe, it's being overrun by... Society & Politics

1 y

How many times have you had covid?

Zero jabs, two rounds of covid. First time in 2020 was miserable, was sick for five days. Painful sore throat, chills, sweats, muscle aches. Second time in 2022 was very mild sore throat,... Health & Fitness

1 y

Will America’s history of slavery and systemic racism ever be forgiven or forgotten?

I don't think the USA will be the same in even 30 years. The nation is already shattered, the question is whether the divorce will be peaceful or bloody. Society & Politics

1 y

Does acting disinterested or nonchalant get you anywhere with guys?

No. Guys are trained by society and experience to pursue girls who are interested in them, not the disinterested ones. Flirting

1 y

Would you leave your wife if she got fat?

If she had a legit medical condition or was paralyzed in an accident etc? Gotta make the best of the situation and be loyal. If she got fat by being lazy/eating terribly and was unwilling to... Marriage & Weddings

1 y

Would you take compound V (serum to get super powers)?

And it kills subjects after a few doses haha. You know, Homer believed that people gaining super powers would turn them into monsters and destroy our humanity. The Cyclops in the Odyssey were... Other

1 y

Is it sad & pathetic that the American flag is now more associated with mindless racists than it is with "Freedom, Liberty & Justice" for all?

According to the Left, if you're White, you're racist, full stop. So yes, the American flag is a "racism" flag according to the Left, because Americans are descendants of White Europeans. Society & Politics

1 y

How would you handle the uncontrollable migration crisis happening throughout a lot of countries, specifically your country?

Simple. Give fair warning and tell them to back off, etc. Then shoot the first wave that tries it. The rest will learn quickly that the army wasn't joking. Society & Politics

1 y

What’s wrong with having an onlyfans to make a little extra income? Is it really that “bad”?

Reminds me of a joke. Guy is going to go out on a date, and the girl goes, "Going to be honest and up front, I have an onlyfans. Are you cool with that?" Guy: "That's cool. I'm sorry but I'm... Dating

1 y

Please vote in my Republican 2024 primary. Who are you voting for?

Desantis. He's got issues, but he actually goes and fights and wins. Trump tweets about how he's going to do XYZ, his base gets excited, and then he does jack shit. He was literally dumb... Society & Politics

1 y

Are you willing to pay high prices for gas and electricity until Vladimir Putin is "defeated"?

What he really said was "I promise you'll keep getting poorer and poorer until you vote us Dems out of office!" Society & Politics

1 y

Was President Trump a Trojan Horse?

Conservatives can't conserve the women's restroom or the concept of two sexes. Trump was literally a 90's democrat. But a 90's democrat today seems like a radical far righter, because the... Society & Politics

1 y

I don’t understand the problem with importing people and allowing them to keep their culture and language because it’s beautiful. What is the problem?

The USA isn't multicultural though, that's literally a political strategy by the Democrat party. Americans tend to vote more Right, so the Democrats decided their strategy would be to import a new... Society & Politics

1 y

Have the left lost their minds?

Don't worry. The women who would go on "sex strikes" are the women who haven't gotten laid in a year or more anyways. Society & Politics

1 y

If 80% of women are attracted to the 20% of men what does this mean?

It means plenty of things. One also needs to understand women. For them, most men are invisible. Men don't notice ugly girls, obese girls, etc. So only about what, half of women are truly noticed... Dating

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