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+1 y

Why The "Bad Boy" Gets More Women Than The "Nice Guy"

This is so bang on dude. Dating

+1 y

Apologies to the LGBTQ+ Community: Is It Really Necessary?

If it was an empty apology then I would say it's pointless, and even harmful in that it just let's people be the good guy without actuslly having to do anything. But that wasn't the case... Trending & News

+1 y

Men: Stop Being "Nice" to Women

This dude gets it. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Why I'm Done With Relationships (For Now)

You know what? Staying single for a while and focusing on who you are and who you want to be sounds like a very mature and healthy decision for yourself at this time. It doesn't sound at all like... Relationships

+1 y

"Believe the Victims": But What If They're the Liars?

The push to "believe the victim" isn't about asking people to automatically assume that the person being accused did the crime. It's about being supportive of the alleged victim as they go through... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Are High Heel Dress Codes Sexist For Women on the Job?

People should not be required to wear particular items that are uncomfortable or harmful to their wellbeing. Heels should be a choice. You can look plenty professional in a pair of sensible flats.... Other

+1 y

5 Things Women Want Men to Know!

You say "we" and "women" when you should say "me"... 5 is the only one that applies to me at all. 3 a little bit - it puts a smile on my face but doesn't "make my day". As for makeup over... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Why You Have To Date An A$$HOLE!

No. Just... no. I've never dated an asshole and it doesn't make me appreciate my man any less. I'm quite capable of appreciating him for the amazing guy he is without having put up with... Dating

+1 y

Why Women Love A**holes

You can have the assholes. I'll stick with my good man and encourage my lady friends to find one of their own. Dating

+1 y

How Being Short has Destroyed my Life

"Short" isn't your problem. It's the insecurity and bitterness that you ooze out everywhere you go. 5'9 isn't even short. It's friggin average. I've dated guys shorter than you. So have lots... Dating

+1 y

Hot Rockstar Fashion "LookBook"

Lol I wouldn't be caught dead wearing any of this stuff or with a guy wearing any of this! Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

The WORST DATE I've Ever Had!

Holy shit that is definitely one of the worst date stories I've heard. I had to wade through a few assholes to find my gem of a dude, but I can honestly say I've never been on a date so bad that I... Dating

+1 y

Why it's a Myth That Girls Don't Like Nice Guys

What it comes down to is that being nice is a basic expectation - not a trait that is attractive in and of itself. If the only thing a guy has to offer is the fact that he is "nice" of course he's... Dating

+1 y

Should You Move In With Your Significant Other?

Great take - short and to the point. I'd add to point 1 that it's not just being sure they're not keeping terrible secrets, but you also want to be sure that you're both 100% comfortable... Dating

+1 y

Why I Don't Wanna Date in 2017!

Nothing wrong with that! In fact, it's healthy to learn to just focus on yourself for a while. Dating

+1 y

How to Get Over a HeartBreak: Girl's Edition

1. Cry it out over wine and chocolate with a good friend. 2. Work it out at the gym. 3. Fuck someone else - but don't start dating someone else until you're actually over it. 4. Take some... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Why You Should Let the Man Chase You

This entire take boils down to you thinking of yourself and other women are prey / prizes to be won. Fuck that. Maybe that works for you, but it sure as hell doesn't for a lot of modern women. Dating

+1 y

6 Tips to Help You Beat Procrastination and Keep Your New Year Resolutions - Part 1

I'd say the biggest thing is to focus on developing habits rather than focusing on particular goals like "lose 20 lbs". Society & Politics

+1 y

Public Service Announcement: Get Out of Our Gyms!

If people want to try to get into better habits, that's great! Yeah, many do end up dropping off after a couple months but so what? That's none of your concern. You do realize that one of the... Health & Fitness

+1 y

6 Yummy Christmas Breakfasts

Oooooh that sour cream bread sounds delish! I already have an excellent cinnamon roll recipe that I use, but I may have to try that one. Food & Beverage

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