Men: Stop Being "Nice" to Women


Firstly and sadly, it's necessary to clear up the obvious. I'm not telling you not to be nice, I'm telling you not be "nice". The key is the quotation marks.

Men: Stop Being "Nice" to Women

Do you feel the need to compliment women in a desperate attempt to get them to like you? If so, your compliments aren't genuine, you're not saying them because you really mean them. You're not nice, you're just a pathetic "nice guy". She's not going to have sex with you because you called her 'beautiful', forget about it.

Men: Stop Being "Nice" to Women

Men: Stop Being "Nice" to Women

SO many times I've seen "nice guys" act nice to a girl, stupidly hope that will make her like him, then get rejected and then suddenly their true self is revealed and they begin to rage at the girl. From one man to another, this behavior is disgusting and makes you look like a selfish little child.

Men: Stop Being "Nice" to Women

Men: Stop Being "Nice" to Women

Men: Stop Being "Nice" to Women

The key here is guys, you can compliment a woman if it's reasonable. And by that I mean, it's genuine and you don't expect anything in return. Don't shower her with niceness, have some self respect and treat her like a normal person. Be upfront and honest with your actions. And never, ever, become mean or aggressive after getting rejected. That kind of behavior is never the mark of a true man.

Men: Stop Being "Nice" to Women
Men: Stop Being "Nice" to Women
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