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+1 y

Do you consider Gender and Women's studies are valid degrees to be studied at College?

a background in gender studies serves 2 purposes: 1) if you plan to teach it at the university/college level; 2) if you plan to combine it with hr training. at my university, you're only... Education & Career

+1 y

Should I hookup with my sister's boyfriend?

he's in a relationship, and he's your potential future brother-in-law. so find your own boyfriend and leave these guys alone (though, if you and sis are close, you should probably mention his... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

What's worse an Absentee Father or an Absentee Mother?

i had an absent father. but i got a good (step) dad, so i turned out fine. studies show that an absentee father has much worse effects on a child. for boys, the reasons are obvious; for girls,... Family & Friends

+1 y

I found condoms twice in his car, both times said they were someone else's, were they?

sorry, but he's most definitely cheating (and has proven as much by trying to disavow your baby). also, his constant accusations=gaslighting=guilt. the condoms are his. better you accept this... Relationships

+1 y

Girls, Spankings/Disciplining: Survey for anyone who was spanked growing up?

well, i was spanked as a kid and i turned out just fine so. 1) yes, though they should be reserved for only the most serious offenses. 2) rarely, because i learned not to repeat the... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Should attractive people get incentives for breeding?

this is ridiculous; you want to do that, go play a sims game lol. Society & Politics

+1 y

Should I tell my boyfriend I have depression?

tell him; it's going to come out sooner or later, and the right guy will support you and help you get the treatment you need. if you don't tell him, he'll probably interpret the symptoms of... Relationships

+1 y

Why are black women so mean?

sounds like these people are just human scum; it has nothing to do with their race. i grew up in a very diverse area and learned at a young age that assholes come in all colours. Society & Politics

+1 y

Are you friends with your ex?

my most recent ex and i are still on speaking terms. i don't know if i'd call us friends, since we aren't as close as we once were, but perhaps that's for the best. the dude and i were very... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

As a woman would it be considered rude to show a boyfriend the kind of engagement ring you want?

depends~ if you guys are serious, you should both already know where the other stands on marriage. if you've discussed it and have decided that a wedding is in your future, there's nothing weird... Dating

+1 y

What's your opinion on religion?

religion in general is confusing af. but i have more issues with fundie followers than with any religious institution. these people all claim that their book preaches love and acceptance...... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Have you ever been attracted to any of your family members?

omg ew, no. when i was young, people always joked that "technically, you could marry *bob (not his real name) because he's not your real brother", and i hated it. sure, we aren't biological... Family & Friends

+1 y

Are these girls hot to you? Or fat?

i'm not into women; but these girls are curvy and/or a little chubby, not fat. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Ladies, would you ever marry a poor man?

depends on why he's poor~ if he's in or just finished school, or is working whatever job he can get while he looks for one in his field, that doesn't bother me as long as he can take care of... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

What do girls think of bisexual guys?

i dated one when i was in my teens. as long as he's loyal to me and std-free (the same standard to which i'd hold any prospective partner, whether male, female, gay, straight, all, or neither... Dating

+1 y

Would you ever date someone just because they had a lot of Money?

as i've said before, i learned at a young age that money does not make someone a decent human being. so no. Dating

+1 y

Is clingy girlfriend turn off or turn on?

clingy people in general are a turn-off to me, even more so if i'm dating that person. i'm an introvert and will bolt if i feel smothered. Relationships

+1 y

I had sex with my boyfriend's step dad. I couldn't bring myself to tell him. Do I have to tell him?

that's fucked up; tell your boyfriend, since you'll be doing him a favour by showing your true colours now instead of years down the road. Flirting

+1 y

I went though my boyfriend's phone and he told another girl to stay beautiful and said a girl was literally perfect?

while his lying to you is definitely a red flag, you are also in the wrong for going through his phone. if you don't trust him without access to all of his stuff, ditch him and don't even... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Do women look for money 💸 in guys?

i learned at a young age that money doesn't make someone a good person. so no, not a priority. as long as he has a job and can take care of himself, that's enough for me. any extra is like a... Girl's Behavior

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