How to Stop Procrastinating


How to Stop Procrastinating

Oh, the art of procrastination. I specialize in it. Every day, I wake up and procrastinate. Eventually, I get out of bed and eat breakfast. Then, I procrastinate some more. I keep procrastinating until I have missed my ride. Then, even after all of the chaos of arriving late, I procrastinate some more. That's just how the human mind works: It's okay. I have time. Just one more episode. Just one more minute. I'll do it later. So, how exactly can you defeat the evil demon that we call "procrastination"? There is a method that I always find helpful: rewards.

Rewards? Isn't that for children? Yes. Yes it is. But that doesn't make it any less effective. What I find to be helpful is to have a reward ready; something that I really want. Let's say, for example. there is a show on Netflix that I have been wanting to watch for a while. But I have errands to run. I would make an agreement with myself that I can watch one episode of the show after each errand. The errands MUST come first, or else I can't watch the show. This motivates me to run the errands, because I know that there is a "reason" I am doing it. Without motivation, nothing in this world would ever get done.

How to Stop Procrastinating
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