10 Things You Will Only Understand If You Are/Were Homeschooled


So, I was homeschooled since 3rd grade all the way through high school. There are pros and cons as with eveything. Now it's over, and here are some things you other homeschoolers can relate to, and non-homeschoolers can pick at us about.

10 Things You Will Only Understand If You Are Were Homeschooled

1. NO FRIENDS. Ok, you might a A friend. But sitting at your kitchen table all day doesn't really make for good socializing practice. That's why we are awkward. By the way, what's a boyfriend?

2. Doing school in your pjs, and eating while you work. One of the best pros of Homeschooling was being able to eat a bag of chips in my fuzzies with the tv on in the background while I was doing my work. Plus I could work whatever hours I wanted, as long as I got the work done 😎

3. CASHIER LADIES AT THE STORE. What the heck is wrong with you people?! Why is it any of your business why I'm at the store and not at school?! I am so glad the days of "Is it a snow day? Because I don't think it snowed." or them asking my mom "Are you QUALIFIED to be a teacher???" are over. You people don't help the social awkwardness homeschoolers face. You make us want to crawl in a hole.

4. No 8th grade formal. No jr. prom. No senior prom. NO PROM. I always hated when people I knew were going to prom. I sat there on my sofa alone with my 4 dogs watching rom coms while scrolling through Facebook pictures of you and you fantastic boyfriend getting all dressed up and have if a wonderful night. Still hurts man. Still.

5. Watching High School Musical and being like "Man. I'm missing out." even though you know in your heart HS can't actually be like that, can it?

6. Finishing school early! I'm not talking about earlier in the day, or the year, I mean, SKIPPING GRADES!!! You don't usually have the option to skip grades, or cram 3 years of high school into one semester when you go to public school, but homeschoolers do! I graduated high school at 15 with a 4.0 GPA that I worked my butt off for.

6. WARDEN MOMS (OR DADS). You know very well if you get that problem wrong again that your mom is going to stab you with a pencil. If she hears you giggle with your sibling, she decides to read an ENTIRE book on James Polk in one day as punishment for goofing off. (Seriously though, we read an entire book each about every last one of the Presidents of the US. Not joking.)

7. Trying to get a drivers license anywhere. Counter lady: "How old are you hun?" Me: "17." Her: "What school do you go to?" Me: "I graduated already." Her "What?" Where is your diploma?!" Me: "Look lady I was homeschooled. You don't get diplomas from your house." Her: "No diploma, no license. Now go to school." 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

8. NO SNOW DAYS. That's right. Since our kitchen is our classroom, the snow does not keep us from reaching it. *sigh*

9. Taking the SAT (or ACT) was the most horrifying experience of your life. Surrounded by THOUSANDS of people your age in this place called High School that smelled like gym socks. They sit you down in a classroom. The teacher hands you this test with circles you have to fill in. Then there's a timer. I've NEVER BEEN TIMED BEFORE what HECKKKKKKK

10. When you do something bad your mom threatens to send you to public school.

10 Things You Will Only Understand If You Are/Were Homeschooled

So there you have it! Now this list was created my MY experiences so please don't lump ALL homeschoolers in my bucket. I'm sure many homeschoolers had friends.... just not me. Please feel free to share your own homeschooling experiences!

10 Things You Will Only Understand If You Are/Were Homeschooled
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