Top Tips for Starting University/College this Year.

Top Tips for Starting University/College this Year.

1. Budget

I know it's exciting being away from home for what may be the first time ever, and you may want to go a bit wild. Just be careful you don't spend all your money within the first few weeks, because remember this needs to last you the whole term. Set yourself a budget for the week and aim to not got over it. And never take your bank card with you on a night out, it will only lead to disaster, trust me.

Check which places have cheaper deals and always check which places offer student discounts. And if you're from the UK you can sign up to Unidays and you can receive many discounts from a number of places.

Top Tips for Starting University/College this Year.

2. Missing home

You will at some stage feel homesick, you'll miss your family and the ability to see your friends. But the good news for you is that almost everyone else there is going to feel the same way at one stage or another. So rely on them after all they are your new friends and it's a perfect way to bond with them.

3. Join as many societies as possible

This is a great way to make friends, as you're going to meet people who have the same interests as you. Your university will have a broad range of societies and there's usually always something to suit everyone. And if there isn't, then why not see if you can set up your own society?

Top Tips for Starting University/College this Year.

4. Accommodation

If you're staying in the university accommodation, then this will be another way for you to meet people. When you arrive to move in, leave the door open while unpacking and make an effort to get to know the people you'll be living with all year. You don't want to block them out and then end up not talking to them all year.

5. Cooking

Take it in turns cooking, and maybe make a rota for it. This way you get to try different food and it also takes the pressure off cooking for yourself every night. Plus if you and a few others go out and do a group shop then you can find that this will save you money. It also means the dreaded washing up of the dishes can be shared out, which leads onto my next point.

6. Cleaning

Set up a cleaning rota with the people you're living with, this way it means that it's continually rotated as to who does what chores. This rota can help avoid any bitterness that may come as it means that no one is left feeling that they do all the cleaning because it's always continually rotated around.

Top Tips for Starting University/College this Year.

7. Lectures

Try to not get into a habit of missing lectures, I know it might be tempting to turn off your alarm when it's loudly informing you it's time to get up for your 9am lecture. But all these missed lectures will add up, just get up, go to the lecture and then you can come back after and get all the sleep you want. Trust me, you won't regret it.

8. Have fun

This is the most important point on this list, don't forget to have fun. I know it can be stressful being away from home and juggling all these things together. These will be some of the best days of your life and don't forget to enjoy them whilst they're happening. These next 3+ plus years are only the beginning of the rest of your life. And I guarantee you'll make at least one lifetime friend from your time here.

Top Tips for Starting University/College this Year.

Top Tips for Starting University/College this Year.
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