Why I’m Happy I’m No Longer in School


Let’s face it. School sucks balls. I don’t think anyone enjoyed it, unless you’re like a psychopath. I mean who wants to sit in a classroom for 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours at a time? Not even teachers like going to school and it’s their JOB! But there are many more reasons why school sucks.

1. The Kid Next to you Smells

Have you ever been in class and the kid next to you looks like he hasn’t bathed in weeks? Well that’s because he probably he hasn’t. We’ve all been there and if you haven’t maybe you’re the one I’m talking about. Yeah you.

Why I’m Happy I’m No Longer in School

2. Teachers Really Don’t Give a Fuk

Teachers, most of the time, are only there to get a paycheck. I mean who wants to teach a bunch of kids who not only don’t pay attention, but laugh at you, and make funny drawings of you behind your back? I remember this teacher I had who would take NAPS in class. If that isn’t the definition of no fuks given I don’t know what is.

Why I’m Happy I’m No Longer in School

3. Bullies

If smelly kids and lazy teachers isn’t bad enough. You have the jocks, who pretty much beat you up for sport, no pun intended. The punks who wear spikes, all black clothing, military boots, and are out to prove just how tough they are. And then you have the mean girls. Now these girls are straight up bitches and are probably the worst of the bunch. They’ll cut you with words and bruise you with rumors.

Why I’m Happy I’m No Longer in School

4. School Spirit

There is nothing worse than school spirit. As of being stuck in a prison, I mean school isn’t enough. You have these kids who actually enjoy being there. What kind of nut job do you have to be to celebrate the awful thing we call school? They paint their faces, wear shirts with the school logo and attend all the events that couldn’t be more exciting than watching paint dry.

Why I’m Happy I’m No Longer in School

5. The Dances

We all went to at least once. I’m afraid to say I went to several of them, because the girls I dated always dragged me to them. You can’t get krunk, girls aren’t allowed to grind, the music sucks and the food was...well don’t get me started on the food. Why can’t the teachers just let us spike the punch bowl, and let us get boogy with it like they do in the movies? They might as well have a church ceremony and call it a day.

That dude be getting sum
That dude be getting sum

Between all the bullshit, I did make some good friends in high school and went to some bomb ass parties. It wasn’t all bad as I make it seem (maybe it was) but I can honestly say I couldn’t be happier to be paying rent and working for a boss I hate....wait, wut?

Why I’m Happy I’m No Longer in School
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