Online school is being done pretty poorly


Right okay,

I'm doing online school and honestly, I couldn't tell you what I did in my last lesson, I at least am not learning anything from this.

The work is always too long or too short so I either can't be bothered to try or can't be bothered to finish.

Half the time my teachers aren't even trying with the classes and just give us stupidly long and boring reading tasks.

We can't socialise with other students, we can't socialise with the teachers, the parents are the only people who are being given updates about how the school is doing things and n e v e r the students

It is so frustrating and needs a lot of improvement if they want students to actually attend and complete tasks because I kid you not, a good two thirds of my school are just using the time off to play fortnite.

Online school is being done pretty poorly
Online school is being done pretty poorly
11 Opinion