The Problems With School


The Problems With School

I just went back to school and I'm already done to be honest. And I've been thinking about what I should make my next myTake about and so I thought "Why not the place I hate most?"

Okay, truthfully speaking in a way I kind of like school. But on the other hand I also don't? If that makes any sense. Either way school has some major issues that I and about millions of other kids really dislike about it. Here's some of them.

For starters, let's talk about the school supplies.

The Problems With School

School supplies nowadays are terrible! They give you a list of a zillion things and honestly speaking we don't even use half of it. I remember my grandma saying back in the days all she needed to buy was a box of crayons and some pencils and she was good.

The main problem is it's a lot of things for just one person to take care of. Not to mention when you walk into each class on the first day you have NO idea what you're supposed to bring so you just take your whole locker with you just to be safe. They ask us to buy these HUGE binders and about two or three pocket folders for each class, which if you ask me is ridiculous. Teachers are constantly complaining about us losing things, well maybe it's because we have a ton of things to take care of!

Again though, we hardly end up using about half the stuff we buy. In my opinion the school should ask the teachers what the students need to buy rather than guessing and making us waste our money on things we won't even use.

And to my next point- homework.

The Problems With School

I guess I understand homework in a way. We need it, of course. But what we don't need is a bunch of teachers giving us a boatload of homework every night so we can come home from a long day of learning and paying attention in class so we can work even more on something we don't even care about. Brilliant.

The main problem with homework is that a lot of time it just seems SO unnecessary. For example- when a teacher gives us a worksheet on something we barely covered in class and then doesn't even take a grade for it. To me, that is pointless. If the teacher thinks that we learn stuff through homework they are so wrong. Of course a few kids may be like that, but most everyone I know doesn't get any benefit from homework unless they're being graded on it.

To my next point, teachers.

The Problems With School

You may have saw my myTake on teachers, and if you haven't I'll put a link below in case your interested.

Anyways there are some teachers who are just plain awesome and easy to like. Others, not so much. To be honest some of these teachers make you wonder how they even got the job in the first place considering they put no effort into their teaching, hate children, or are just creepy as hell. Of course this is not all teachers! But it is a really heavy portion of them.

The one thing that annoys me most is when a teacher complains about how they have a life outside of school and we're just sucking up all their freetime by making them grade papers. Well guess what- we have a life outside of school, too. And this is your JOB which means you get paid to be here. We're here because if we aren't, we're grounded. Again this isn't every teacher, just way too many of them.

Also, is it just me or is what they teach in school REALLY stupid?

The Problems With School

Honestly whoever thought we need to learn most of this crap is a freaking idiot.

There are some things I understand we need to learn. Reading, writing, simple math, how our country was founded, etc. But other things are just SO unnecessary. For example- when in my life am I going to need to know about potential and kinetic energy? Really when am I?

Why can't we learn the things WE want to learn? And more importantly; why can't we learn what we NEED to learn? For example- how to pay taxes, how to use a credit card, how to provide for our families, how to get a job, etc. These are all things I'm WAY more worried about rather than Cleopatra or William Shakespeare. And what about what we want to learn? One kid is not going to want to learn the same thing as the next kid. We don't really get to decide what classes we want to take until high school and college (and even then we're forced to take things we don't want to). But why? If every kid is different why are we teaching them all the same things? I have no interest in things like math or science, but I really enjoy literature, so why can't I just take that longer than I take all these other classes I'm probably going to forget in ten years?

Teachers often say that we give no effort to do these things simply because we're just too lazy to! But why are we lazy? Probably because the things we're forced to learn don't peak our interests. If we took a class on what we wanted to do we'd probably be more interested and focused.

I guess there's a reason we're learning all this stuff, but to be honest I don't know what it is. Pretty much all adults I know who aren't a teacher say they never use this in their life. Ever. But like I said I suppose they have their reasons.

There's obviously a lot of other problems with school but this myTake is long enough, so I'll just end it here. Thanks for reading and let me know what I should do next!

In case you're interested here's my myTake on types of teachers-

The Problems With School
9 Opinion